Sometimes to get happiness you don't need to be difficult to change things
Just change your perspective 🌹To be happy you have to give up what has gone
Be grateful for what we have now
And look forward to what is coming 💜
Just about my feeling 💜
RomancePada keheningan, kita mencari 🌠 Setiap kehilangan akan melahirkan keikhlasan Setiap kepergian akan menumbuhkan kerinduan 🌹 Meski tak sepandai langit yg selalu gagah Tapi bisa selapang mentari yg selalu jadi penerang 🌻 Sesekali, aku ingin egois...
Be grateful 🌻
Sometimes to get happiness you don't need to be difficult to change things
Just change your perspective 🌹To be happy you have to give up what has gone
Be grateful for what we have now
And look forward to what is coming 💜