God, thank you for all that You have given me during this time
And thank you for always keeping me to be a good person
When I celebrate my birthday, I want to get happiness
because there are so many beautiful reasons to be happy
And the perfect happiness is when we get what we want without hurting others 🌻Time flies so fast ya
Ga berasa usia udah nambah 1 lagi
Dan klo flashback ke tahun lalu
Rasanya bersyukur bgt karna sekarang udah punya kerjaan lagi jadi aku bisa tersenyum kembali 🙂
Dengan begitu aku bisa segera mewujudkan keinginanku yg sempet tertunda 2th lalu
Karna aku harus kehilangan pekerjaanku jadi semua planing yg udah aku susun rapi harus hancur & berantakan !Tapi sebentar lagi aku bisa mewujudkannya punya iPhone baru 📱
Target udah di depan mata
Hanya harus bersabar sedikit lagi 🙂Oh My God,
I can't wait to have it soon
Still 4 months to go but why does it feel so long 😌I want iPhone 12 to be the most beautiful gift for me this year 💝
Make yourself never know what age is because age is just a matter of numbers
Make yourself aware of happiness as time goes on, without having to count the years that have passed
I'm very grateful to be given health and still given a long life until now 🌻The best prayer for my parents
I hope they are given a long life, happy and always healthy 🤗
Mom, Dad I loved you both very much ❤️😘
Just about my feeling 💜
RomancePada keheningan, kita mencari 🌠 Setiap kehilangan akan melahirkan keikhlasan Setiap kepergian akan menumbuhkan kerinduan 🌹 Meski tak sepandai langit yg selalu gagah Tapi bisa selapang mentari yg selalu jadi penerang 🌻 Sesekali, aku ingin egois...