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(A/N: I almost forgot to mention that Sakura also have Photographic Memory.)


It's been a day since the match between Kidokawa VS. Seishou.

Sakura and her teammates are all standing alined infront of Aida Kantoku.

"Our match is tomorrow, but instead of regular training, I will let you use our Team's underground training Center for this day."Aida informed, making the members paled or sweated in nervouseness.

"Then that means our next opponent are stronger than Wristeria?"Izuki asked their coach.

The other members all starts to murmur at each other about the next opponent, which made Sakura and Aida frown.

The Kunigaoka students are watching them discuss about the opposing team.

"Quiet down! Kantoku is still talking!"Sakura commanded, making them go silent and faced their female coach.

"Thank you Sakura."Aida thanked"We all day for training, so let's go."she faced the managers and the exchange students"I meant all of you."she said before taking the lead, with them following behind her.

Rio look at Sakura"Based to the reaction of your team, the training is very hard."

Sakura glanced at her"You'll see."

Aida pushed some kind of button and a scanner appeared, she took out her license and scanned it, the metalic doors opened.

When they got in, the doors behind them immediately closed, startling Kayano, Kaho, Seo, Koyama, Araki, Ren, and Nagisa as they flinched.

They keep walking and at the end of the tunnel, they finally reached another metalic door with a timer, the exchange students look at the time.

The time is 999999, their eyes widened at the timer.

The doors opened, Aida Kantoku faced them with a smirk"Team, you know what to do, you cannot leave until the time runs out, understand?!"she ordered loudly.

All of the Seirin Team all nodded in understanding and got inside, the time that the door closed they immediately heard loud screams of panic and horror.




Outside with the coach, the exchange students look unsure if they want to know about the training that they are doing inside, and the managers are sweatdropping.

"Uhm...Are they going to be fine Aida-san?"Nagisa asked before he grimaced when another yell of panic is heard from the defender, Higurashi.

Aida smiled innocently"Don't worry, they'll be fine."she look towards the door"When they get out of that doors, they are even stronger than before."she said before turning around to leave.




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