To the repugnant, parasitic traitor I am loath to call brother,

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Disclaimer- I do not own D&D and expect no profit from this endeavor

WARNINGS- Detailed descriptions of violence.


To the repugnant, parasitic traitor I am loath to call brother,

What wretched pleasure must you derive from my ire to act with such audacity? You abscond wordlessly into the night with what little coin we possess then, three weeks thereafter, dare request more whilst frolicking about some exotic locale. You implore me sell my violin that you might squander those funds upon drink, women, and unsound business ventures. That instrument is my voice—the closest I have come to taking a lover. To sell such would be to sell my soul. Have I read your letter incorrectly, or are you truly so asinine?

Tell that pompous, pus-sucking son of a quaggoth you fraternise with that the font has run dry. I am certain he and his cutlass will understand. I shall not, however, condemn myself to further misery on your behalf. Gamble another life away, for my generosity has shrivelled. May your gonads follow suit. Should you return, I am inclined to cut you open and craft strings of your intestines. Perhaps I'll hire a necromancer that you might witness my performance of the Pagarre caprices on them. Pity I've no longer the funds to spare. May you be dragged to the underdark and betrothed to an exceptionally libidinous aboleth.


The sister who shall not attend your wedding.


The music links at the ends of chapters are not necessary for comprehension of the story. They're simply a chance to get to know the characters and the instruments they love.

*Caprice No. 24 (Paganini)

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