S1Ep6: Through The First Night

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We're running, searching where Patricia went

Margareth: Damn. We can't lose anyone now

Catherine: Try to find her, it's dangerous

Robeen: Shit. She's just upset for the moment. WE GOTTA FIND HER OR...

--- a moment ago ---

Catherine: Any Ideas?

Robeen: It's night and it's dangerous so I got nothing

Clueless on where's our next destination. While we were talking...

Patricia screamed, out of the blue.

The zombies might've heard, Zombies came from both sides but there's only few of them.

Patricia looked to the left then ran to the right, she was panicking and got bitten in the arm. She managed to escape and so, we chased after her.

--- end ---

And here we are now, still chasing after her, searching for her. We're worried, she got bitten and she ran while like that.


After 124578963 years of searching and running

"No!! don't come any closer!!"

Ian: That was Patty's voice

We followed where the voice was coming from.

"No!! Please!!"


We ran faster... it's kinda dark so it's hard to look around, the only light we have is the moonlight.

We saw a dark alley, we can hear zombies eating something,

Eliza stepped on something, she almost screamed in shock but Hersche covered her mouth

Jenina: what's in there?

Jenina pointed on where Eliza accidentally stepped on something.

Chryzalyn: Everyone, can you move back a little

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