Chapter 2

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We decide to go to a hotel. Even a hotel is not suspicious because people only go to hotels to actually sleep or to have business lunches and meetings. So, going to a hotel to work on a charitable project wouldn't be much different than renting an office space, it will just be more private.

We drive there in silence, both feeling shock with what we are actually doing. We get there, check into a room and head up to the room, still barely saying a word. We walk in and both stand frozen as ice, staring at the bed. I need to give this a fair try; I need to, so I start the conversation.

"Okay, so um, should we... get undressed?" I speak in a hushed, nervous tone.

There is not much else to do, we are not used to taking the time to get to know someone when you don't even know your spouse before you marry them. I think we both figure if sex with someone else is a huge difference than we will know if our arranged marriages are the problem or we are the problem.

He swallows a nervous knot in his throat.

"Yeah, I guess we should," he says and then his eyes fall to my body and he looks at me. Which I am not used to, maybe Barry used to look at me, but we are just so used to each other, he doesn't do it anymore.

I felt goosebumps inside when he takes his time to just stare at me. I make the first move while his eyes are busy and I lift my shirt. I see him breathe in deeply as he looks at my breasts hidden behind my bra.

He hesitates for a moment before he grabs the collar of his shirt and pulls it off. He has a much nicer body than Barry or maybe it's just that I'm actually attracted to him. Everything already feels different since I'm actually drawn to Ross physically. I took off my skirt and he took off his pants so we are left in our under garments.

"Maybe, we should get in bed," he says before we go any further.

"Good idea," I agree, not sure if I was ready for the next reveal from him or me.

We get in bed and get under the covers. We lay next to each other as if we are just going to sleep. We don't move. I know this feels unnatural to both of us, but we've made it this far...right? We can't give up now.

I look over at him, he stays staring at the ceiling. I remember him being all shy and goofy around me when we were young. So I guess I have to make the first move. I crawl over him and straddle him.

"What are you doing?" he gasps.

"What?" I freeze worriedly from his reaction.

"You're gonna be on top?" he looks astounded at this.

I tilt my head at this. I know sex is never really talked about. It's considered taboo to do so in our world. Sex is something you only do with your spouse, usually only at night, and only in bed. Then, you never discuss it with anyone. But even so, I'm sure couples do experiment; I'm sure some people out there are kinky, not that Barry or I am. Even so, I do get on top every so often. It's not that strange... is it? I honestly question how weird this is since I could never know if anyone else does it.

"Um, Carol never uum... gets on top?" I ask him.

He shakes his head no.

"Really? Is this really weird?" I ask him, embarrassed.

He doesn't answer right away so I just get off of him and lay back down next to him.

"Wait, it wasn't weird, it's just... I was unprepared, but hey" he starts and I finally look back over at him when he pauses.

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