Chapter 2

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I decide to wait until around noon before I drive towards the address. There doesn't seem to be many houses around this part of town, mostly trees and fields, but then I spot a small road down to the left. The GPS says that it's here, but who the hell wants to live out here?

I slow down and stop before turning in on the road and I see a big ass house further down. Is my dad one of those rich pricks? I'm sure that's why he didn't want me. He and mom weren't married and I'm sure that he didn't want a bastard. Fucking asshole.

I'm starting to get even more pissed at him and consider to leave the letter here on the road and hope he finds it...or I don't give a fuck and just drive off.

Just then, I hear the rumble of bikes and two bikers come driving and turn in on the road. They stop and one of them gets off and walks to my car.

Fuck! Damn bikers.

He knocks on my window and I roll it down even if I rather tell him to piss off, then drive the hell out of here.

"What are you doing here, little darlin'?" the big brute asks.

"I'm looking for John Carter."

He looks over to the other biker, then turns to me again. "What do you want with him?"

"Well, apparently he's my fucking father and I have a letter to give him, but since you're here, you can give it to him and I'll be on my way," I say, starting to lose my temper.

"John doesn't have a daughter," he says, crossing his arms over his chest and I'm starting to really lose my temper.

"Listen, you prick! My mom wrote me a letter, saying that my dad, whose name is John Carter and lives on this address, is my father and she wanted me to give him this letter. Either you shut your fucking mouth and let me in or you take the goddamned letter and give it to him. I don't give a fuck which one you choose, but rather the latter option so I can be on my way out of this shithole."

He smirks at me and motions me to drive down the road.

Fuck! Couldn't he have chosen the second option. I should've just shoved the goddamned letter in his hand and sped off.

When I drive down to the big ass house, I see a whole bunch of bikes standing outside. Just fucking great.

I get out of my car with the letter in my hand and take a deep breath. The big brute and his scrawny companion get off their bikes and motion me to follow them inside.

"Who's the new girl?" another brute, sitting with a half-dressed bimbo on his lap, asks while checking me out.

Damn creep.

"Apparently, she's the Prez daughter," brute no 1 says, grinning like he doesn't believe a word I've said.

Well, he can just go fuck himself since I rather not him being my dad either. And why the fuck is he called Prez?

"I can be your daddy," brute no 2 says, grinning and trying to look sexy.


The bimbo on his lap crosses her arms over her chest and gives him an evil glare.

"And I can be the one who cut your balls off. Go fuck yourself!" I snap at him.

"Oooh! Fiesty."

"What do you expect? She's a redhead," brute no 1 says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"For God fucking sake! Can you take me to John or not? Or am I going to have to stay here and listen to you perv motherfuckers for the rest of the day?"

They start to piss me the hell off and I'm thinking about shoving the letter down his throat just to shut him the hell up. And why the hell is it that just redheads needs to be feisty? I've got more of an auburn hair, just a tiny amount of freckles on my nose and blue/green eyes.

Before it all started to go to hell in my life, I was actually a really calm, nice girl. Too nice. When life hands you shit...a lot of shit in a small amount of's hard to be nice anymore. Even the nicest person can snap and then everyone can just piss the hell off because it's easier that way. Got nothing to do with my fucking hair color.

"Jesus! You're one little spitfire, ain't ya?"

For the love of God. Can I just claw his tongue out...just a little?

"Shut up, you fucking perv!"

"We better get you to him before you get into a fight," brute no 1 chuckles.

"He and Kane are up in the Chapel," brute no 2 says.

Chapel? If my dad is some kind of high priest in a fucked-up biker cult, I'm going to throw the letter in his face and run the hell out of here.

I follow brute no 1 up the stairs, then he knocks on a big door and I hear someone say, "Enter."

"Prez, I've got a little lady here looking for John Carter. Says she's your daughter."

I hear a pen drop on the table and then brute no 1 opens the door so I can walk inside.

At the end of a really large oval table is a man in his late 40's with salt and pepper hair and beard. I guess that's my dad since the other one seems to be just a few years older than me. He's a lot larger than the other brutes here. He's the brute of brutes and has a face of stone.

If I wasn't pissed all the time and high on adrenaline, he would probably make me pee my panties out of fear. He's got blue eyes, a little longer dirty blond hair on the top that he seems to run his fingers through a lot because a strand of hair is now hanging sexily down on his forehead. He's got a well-groomed beard and a lot of tattoos and muscles. He sits leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest and his feet crossed up on the table.

I turn to my so-called dad and he's sitting there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Who are you?" he says with a cold tone.

"It doesn't matter. My mom wrote a letter to you and I'm here to give it to you. Don't worry, I don't want anything from you and you can just pretend that I wasn't even here." I put the letter on the table, turn around and am about to walk out when he speaks again.

"What's your mother's name?"

I sigh. Shouldn't he know that or does he have other women he impregnated and dumped? Of course, he does. Fucking asshole.

"Sharon Lawrence."

His eyes go big and he looks at me. I know that I look a lot like my mom. We have same thick, long hair in the exact same color, but she had almond eyes and I guess I inherited mine from this man, aka my dad.

"Why didn't she come here herself or sent the letter to me?"

I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't get out of here soon.

"Because she's dead, you fucking asshole!" I yell, then turn on my heals and quickly run out of there. I don't look back or at the fucking brutes and bimbos that's filled this big ass house. They can have their fucking whorehouse to themselves and I'm actually glad that dad didn't want me and kicked mom out.

I quickly get into my car and speed off. God, I'm so fucking angry. I'm going to explode if I don't run, otherwise I'll do something destructive.

I drive just right out of town and park my car at a small dirt road that leads into the woods. I get out and scream all my anger out, then start running. I'm like Forrest Gump right now. I feel like I could run through every continent of the world and even that wouldn't get me tired.

I run until the sun starts to set and decide to turn back the same way to get to my car before it gets dark. I'm all sweaty and need a shower, but I don't care right now. I crawl into the trunk and soon fall asleep.

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