Chapter 8: The Fire Of Jealousy (part 3)

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{Previously on The Kingdom Of Cupiditatem}

I gathered myself together and walked away, but not before whispering, "I will be back for you, Y/N..." Hoping that they would someone hear me and know that I was coming to save them.
{Y/N's POV}
The cell I was in was dark and small, it was very malodorous. There was a bed hanging from two chains on the wall and a small window at the top that didn't produce much light. {malodorous means it smelt very bad}

The bars keeping me in the cell were cold, matching the temperature of the cell. There was no blanket or pillows on the bed. There was also no guards inside the dungeon.

In the cell on my left was a very angry looking man. He could easily kill something or someone with just his bare hands. Looking into his eyes was like looking in the eyes of a dark soulless person. I looked away and focus my attention on the cell to my right.

The cell to the right of me looked empty, but empty it was not. Laid there on the floor was a lifeless body of a young women. There where bugs and rats feasting on her pale skin. She looked as if she were a beautiful lady. She was skinny and I assumed she died of starvation she didn't look very malnourished. In front of me there was another cell. This one was empty and dark.

"What did someone as weak as you do to get locked up?" A deep, unfitting, hoarse, imperative, low, sinister voice spoke. Shaking I look to the person, if they even had any bit of a person left in them, his cold dead eyes were looking directly at me.

"I was accused of being a witch/wizard." I said through a shaky, aghast, voice. He laughed, his laugh was nothing like Techno's comforting laugh, no. No, his laugh was evil, it was brittle, jarring, tuneless, scratchy, harsh, piercing even.

"You? A witch/wizard?" His laugh felt like a curse, it felt like a curse, it was blood-curdling, "You don't have the wits to be a witch! I've come first hand with a witch/wizard, and you are nothing of the sort!"

He laughed on and on for what seemed like hours. Over his terrifying laugh, I could hear the faint sound of people talking outside. I could barely make up what they were saying.

"...informed in..." Was someone trying to get in? A spark of hope sunk into me, maybe it was Techno, maybe he was here to tell me that he convinced his mother to let me free! I listen more closely, "-the queen has instructed us" I hear a different voice speaking, "to keep, you, out of here." Whoever was out there, the queen didn't want them to get in, "She doesn't want us to let you get to the witch/wizard." I knew it, whoever was out there they were here for me!

My hope soon faded when I couldn't hear any more talking. Whoever was out there must have left, they had given up on trying to get to me. I sat down on the unstable bed, and watched the dungeon door, hoping someone would break it down and come rescue me, even though I knew no one would.
{Time skip to later that night}
I laid down in my bed, tired and cold. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fall asleep. All I wanted to do was cry but my tears never came.

I was listening to the peaceful sounds of the wind when all of a sudden the dungeon doors opened up. I farted up to see who it was, praying and hoping for someone, in certain. But it wasn't who I was expecting to see.

It was a tall young lady. She looked like the younger female version of Techno. Her hair hair fell down into curls and she had a stunning crown on her head.  She looked as if she had come from a pirate movie.

"Ah, so you must be Y/N." Her voice was soft and comfortable like Techno's. I couldn't find the words to say. She however continued to talk, "You're just as beautiful as techno described. You know earlier I totally though he was about to kill that guard, just to get in here."

So it was techno talking to the gaurds. The girl looked me up and down, "I'm Thea, in case you where wondering." She puts out her hand for me to shake. Cautiously I shake her hand, "I'm Y/N- er well you already know that." She laughs at my shy tendencies. "Well I better go before someone finds out I'm here. I'll see you soon, Y/N." She winks and walks out. "Bye..." I sit back down and look at the stars through my small window.

{Techno's POV}
I was sitting in my room, thinking of any way that I could help Y/N escape from the dungeon without anyone noticing.

Luckily I made a map of all the secret passageways in the castle when I was kid. I take it out and look for the easiest passageway to the dungeon. I didn't know what cell she was in, and all the cells had different keys, but that wasn't the only problem. All the keys where in the throne room with my mother.

I was deep in though when someone came into my room, I listened for their breathing patterns, "Hello, Thea." She walks over to me. "Their in cell 5." I smile, "thank you."

I had sent my younger sister to do some undercover research for me, I knew the guards would let her in the dungeon because she wasn't restricted, they wouldn't even think twice about the fact that she might be there to see Y/N.

I mark out cell five on a piece of paper and go back to planning the break out. "You know, Y/N is very attractive, maybe once their out I'll ask them on a date." I roll my eyes, "I mean it's not like you'll mind, you don't like them."

Did I like Y/N?

A question that had been stuck in my mind for a while now, I mean we were just friends. That's what I've been telling myself, but would I really be trying as hard as I was to get a friend out of trouble.

I pushed it out of my head and focused on another question my sister has brought up, "Anyways, what are you two even gonna do when you break them out? It's not like you can hide them in the castle, when mom finds out that their gone, she'll probably send out all the guards she has to find them." I hadn't even realized that...

When and if I break Y/N out of the dungeon, it's going to be hell and back trying to find a safe place for them. Maybe they were better off safe in the dungeon, but mom was going to burn them at the stake some time soon. She never said when so we only have to assume the worst and go with that. So maybe they weren't safe in the dungeon. Maybe I could try reasoning with my mom, and maybe she would let Y/N out, but my mother wasn't a very forgiving person. For the first time in my life, I didn't know what to do.

{Third person POV}
While Y/N was asleep in the depths of the dungeon, Techno was in his room pacing with fear thinking of a new question. What will they do when they get Y/N out of the dungeon?

Heyyy! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I still can't help the fact that we hit 2K reads ahhhh! Anyways if you guys have anything you think would be good to add to the story definitely tell me in the comments! I would love to know your feedback! Anyways, don't forget to stay hydrated and eat! I love you all and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night! Byeeee

Also this is kinda what Thea looks like

Also this is kinda what Thea looks like

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