The End Of The Night

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{y/n's POV}
The end of the night was drawing nearer, and more and more people were dropping like flys. The anxious tension was like pollution in the air.

Suddenly, the queen stands up and the room gets silent. "The end of the night is here, it is now time for our final selection!" At this point in time only about 13 people remained, I was in the top few, "The next and final stage of our selection will take place in the dining hall. Follow the guards, when you enter the dining hall you will find a nameplate with your name on it, that will be your designated seat. That is all."

The royal family got up and walked out to the left, the guards opened the door and we walked out to the right. We walked down a narrow hallway, one I've walked down many times. The bright lanterns emitted light onto the beautiful paintings and tapestry.

Finally, we entered the dinning hall, where the royal family was already seated. The king and queen sat on the one of the sides, at the very end of the table, and Techno sat at the other, with his siblings sitting to the right and left of him.

I quickly found my nameplate, ("Y/N L/N") and sat down, thankfully. Thea and I talked about proper eating etiquette, so I was good.

I waited till everyone was seated and looked to the king and queen for their next move. Suddenly a very beautiful girl sat down next to me. I could tell it would be hard to complete against her.

I look over at her name plate, "Angelica Virtus". She looked at me and smiled. Quietly she leans over and whispers, "Hello Mr/Ms/Mx Y/N, pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

What did she mean she heard a lot about me? That was impossible, unless she knew about the plan. I wasn't told who was in on it and who wasn't, but if she was apart of the plan, then why was she trying to go against me for Technos "love". I put her out of my head and decided that I had bigger more important things to focus on. Winning.

The queen was just about to start talking when the sound of eating broke the silence. Everyone turns to look at one of the Princesses who was stuffing her face full of food. When she noticed everyone looking at her, she quickly spat the food back onto her plate. The queen shot a look of disgust at her and began talking, "Ehem...So, as you can see only 13 of you remain. This final stage will tell us of your etiquette, now this is a very important stage in telling us if you are fit to be Prince, soon to be king, Techno's love."

The queen shot a quick look at the girl who was eating, "So, some of you might want to take this a little more serious."  She waved her hand, telling us that we were now allowed to eat.

Talking broke out between everyone and I could see that the queen was looking at everyone carefully watching everyone every move.

I started to eat the salad making sure to use the fork closets to my drink, this one Thea told me was the salad fork. I though it was kinda of silly how they had different forks for different things.

"So, Y/N." Angelica says to me, lowering her voice, "How does a servant like you, know so much about royal etiquette?" Trying my best to look normal I pretend not to hear her. Shifting my gaze over to Thea who had her fist in a ball, looking very angry. I wondered what that was about, maybe she knew about Angelica?

Time skip cause I'm to lazy to write any dialogue ✌️

In what felt like no time, dinner was over and it was time for the queen, king, and Techno to pick the soon to be new queen. The queen takes a piece of paper out, one I'm assuming she used to write down everyone's names on to see who she was disqualifying.

"If I call your name you may get up and leave, meaning you have been disqualified." She looks through the paper one more time and stares at all the people sitting at the table.

"Paris Lambert."
12 more people remain

"Mateo Lopez"
11 more people remain

"Ava Charlotte"
10 more people remain

"Luna Midnight"
9 more people remain

"Alexander Hamilton"
8 more people remain

"Spain the Violent"
7 more people remain

"Tia Tamera"
6 more people remain

"Dobby the free elf"
5 more people remain

"Hay Delilah"
4 more people remain

"Callie Barley"
3 more people remain


HEY GUYS! I know I haven't posted in a while I low key didn't even know what day it was! Also sorry for the cliffhanger, and uh let's not talk about the names I ran out of names like halfway through and just reverted to the first thought that piped into my head okay-  Anyways, don't forget to stay hydrated and eat! I love you all and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night! Byeeee

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