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I was running, running away from the masked figure in the black hoodie. 'This can't be happening' I thought to myself. I kept running, urging myself to get away, far away from the person who had ruined my life, -A. I kept sprinting, 'I can't let -A win, not again'. I was nearly out of the forest when i suddenly fell over. I lay on my back, caressing my throbbing head. -A had finally caught up. I tried to quickly scramble away, but they had me pinned to the floor. Just as -A went to remove their mask, i woke up. I was sweating heavily. I looked over to my nightstand, and the clock read 03:27. 'Great' I thought, 'I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon'. I reached over the nightstand to pick up my favourite book, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. I flipped through the book until i reached the page I was up to. I continued reading until my alarm started blaring at 06:45. I quickly hopped out of bed and shuffled into the bathroom.I hurriedly showered and brushed my teeth. I applied a light eyeliner and mascara and left my hair in a high ponytail. I went towards my wardrobe and picked out a black and white checkered play-suit, some chunky black heals, a pair of black sunglasses and a light wash denim jacket around my waist. I grabbed my black handbag and books and raced downstairs and went straight out to my Silver Nissan Pulsar. I chucked my stuff in the passenger and started the car. I drove to the brew and hopped out with my bag. I raced in and ordered myself a caramel frappucino. I saw the girls sitting in our usual corner and went straight towards them with my frappucino in hand. I sat down in my empty seat.

"Sorry I'm late girls" I apologized sincerely.

"It's fine, we only just arrived" Spencer reassured me.

"Has anyone had a message from -A in the last week?" Aria asked, concerned. "Because the last time the bitch was this quiet we were almost arrested" she continued. 

"Unless you count my nightmare, then no" I responded, thinking about the dream once again.

"You're still having that nightmare! What has it been, 5 weeks since it started" Hanna questioned, looking at me with sympathy.

"I know! And the thing that sucks the most is that every time that bitch goes to pull her mask off, i wake up! What i would do just to finally know who is terrorizing our lives" I spoke with hostility leaking from my voice. The girls just nodded.

"We best be heading to school now" Emily told us, looking down at her phone.

"Does anyone want a ride?" I offered.

"Wait for me" Hanna responded, picking up her skinny vanilla latte and bag. We both walked out to my car and drove to school. Once we arrived, we went straight to our lockers. I put all my books, besides my English book, as we have Mr Fitz first period, in my locker ad gently closed it.I turned back to Hanna, walking in the direction of our English class, making light conversation about what we think -A will do to us next. I stopped suddenly, watching who walked out of Mr Hackett's classroom, Jason Dilaurentis. I felt breathless; my heart rate increased majorly and my hands started sweating. His back. Our eyes met and we just stared at each other. Our moment was interrupted when my phone bleeped. I pulled it out of my bag and opened the message.

LEILAH: Jason's back now, wonder what he might think  if I tell him what you did when he was away. Kisses, -A.

A/N - Sorry about the wait, I have been swamped. The picture is of Leillah. hope you enjoyed the chapter and i hope i can update soon! The more votes, the faster i upload.

Kisses, -M

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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