The Debate

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Joe Clenched his teeth as Trump went on another one of his rants in front of his instagram followers. Joe's gaze couldn't help but focus themselves on Trump's toupee. Joe spoke up and asked trump "shut up ur ugly ass u dont even have hair bald man .?" 

Trump gasped in orange "ùwú"

Joe is offended how dare trump uwu him when he is the ultimate uwuer trump knew this but still did it "whatever fine" joe said as he grabbed his papers and left in betrayal.

Joe Biden is heart broken and trump is sad joe left so he chaseed after him and grab his rist.

"no joe senpai stop ur the ultimate uwuer im sorry i uwued u"

"Its ok trumpie pie I forgive u" 

they kissed and everyone gasped and trumps followers were mad at trumpfor cheating on goddess melania and they sent threats to him "die u half eaten egg salad sandwich" they said to trump and trump cried 

and biden was sad because his wife left him for kamala (Who wouldn't? 🙄🤚💅)

everyone had negative attention on them but then mike pants saved them because there was a fly on his head and john cena hates flies so he lazar beamed it and it evaporated but now he and mike pants are at court for murder

biden tried to save them but trump said wait and biden said why? trump said because mike pence is his ex and biden gasped.

2 weeks later:

it is john cena and mike pants funeral because they were executed by the government but biden and hes wife decided to have there wedding on that they and invited john cena and mike pants caskets

at the funeral john cena was alive again because john seena never dies but mike pants is dead and joh nseena is sad because they were in a secreat relashionship .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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