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self harm

As Jenna opened the main door she saw Vinnie coming, only seeing his silhouette due to the dark.
"Took you long to come"
"So you were waiting"
"No I'm just saying that you said 10 and took you longer than that."
"Yo Jordan is so dry- i-"
"Yea yea you should give him lessons huh?"
"I really should"

The two got inside of her house as they sat down on the couch.

"Jenna I know you don't want to hear my apologies, but the last one I promise, in face-" he started but got cutted of by Jenna

"Vinnie I really don't need anything else, just to hug you that's enough tho"

"You are really simple"

They both got up as Vinnie wrapped his arms around her, picking her up from the floor. She placed her hands on the back of his head, playing with his hair.

"You don't even get it, for me it was really enough just that you came. It was the most someone had done to me. I appreciated it really much. And your apology was chefs kiss. I don't need any other proof Hacker. You said everything"

"I wanted to visit you every day but Brynn didn't let me go"

"Why wouldn't she?"

"She said I can never see you again that's why"

"What? Jokes on her and btw im sorry in their name of everything that they said about you. They were just mad at the moment. You are much more then they said, I know that more than everyone"

"It's okay they apologized"

"Brynn apologized? Wow she never does that"

They climbed upstairs to Jenna's room and to lay together in bed to cuddle. It was Jenna's idea and Vinnie just listened to it. Before getting in the bed, Jenna changed in her pajama onesie so she gets more comfortable. Vinnie stared at her whole time and started to smile. She laid next to him trying to get comfortable.
"Vinnie I can't find the spot"
"Poor you"
"Vinnie its serious help me"
He picked little girl up, placing her  under his arm, her legs over his. She buried her head in his neck and wrapped her arms around his lower torso.
"Thank you" she left a slight kiss in his neck which gave him extra butterflies.
"You will move in 2 minutes because it will be "hot" he laughed and gave the girl forehead kiss. She pulled the blanket over the two of them before facing Vinnie and falling asleep. She fell asleep so early and watching her sleep, Vinnie fell asleep too.

When they woke, Jenna's head was on his chest, her leg was over his legs and his arm was on her waist. She slowly pulled away, only to be pulled back.

"Did we sleep like this-" she asked, being clearly embarrassed. "well I was still awake when you pampered but I wasn't complaining so I did nothing about it" he smirked while holding her hand.

"Do you wanna go in sway gaming to see Brynn and Cher?"

"I kinda can't"

"wait let me see your arm chica" he said softly after wrapping his arms around her and going his hands thru her hair. He held her hand in his when he saw cuts above the sleeve.

"I don't want to talk about it vin". she added as she felt him softly kissing her forehead. "Jen come on I am not mad on you". she moved her head up and sweetly looked at him.
"You aren't?"
"Jen im not, it's my fault, I made you do this I never wanted anything like this to happend im so sorry"

"It's not your fault vinn-". "Jenna it is, both of us know it"
"I promise it's not, trust me it's not". She hugged him and tugged her head in his neck. "We're fine now let's not talk about anything that happend okay?" she reassured him
"Okay beb"


Jenna put some comfy clothes on and they headed to Vinnie's car. As long as they drove, Vinnie made jokes the entire time. Once they stopped laughing, Jenna glanced at the picture he had in his car. It was the picture of them few days after they first met. "Why do you have this here?" she gave him a beautiful smile.
"Yea I don't know I just think it's cute"
"It is" she giggled.

Once they pulled in sway gaming, Jenna put her jacket on and they both went in.
"JENNA BABY" Cher immediately got up and run to Jenna to pick her up and hug her. She squeezed her so hard.
"Are we gonna kiss now?" Jenna said and Cher walked thru the whole house with Jenna in her arms, her legs being wrapped around her. When she finnaly placed her back on the floor they both went back in the living room.

"holy shit brynn you look like shit" Jenna laughed as Brynn rolled her eyes before laughing

"Why do you always have some beef with me leave me alone" brynn added as she wrapped her arms around her.

"im just still wondering where was Vinnie whole night? With Jenna?" Jordan asked

"No he went to Russia but he's back now" Jenna sarcastically rolled her eyes


"Aha founded way through the dark brynn" she said before Vinnie wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head in the crook of her neck "Jenna grow please my neck hurts" he mumbled. "Get the fuck off then". she replied. "You are a literally baby. I could step on you Itty bitty"

"I don't remember asking you anything" she raised her eyebrow. "Leave then?"

"You want me to?" she asked and slightly smiled. "No"  he said quickly.

"Exactly". "I hate you Jenna". He picked her up, placing his hands under her thighs. "1st of all: cap, you love me all the time and 2nd:put me down."

"I can literally throw you over the room now".
"Put me down please" she whispered on his ear and he did as she said.

"Woah when did yall became good again?"

"When Jordan was fucking you" Vinnie replied

"Guys I'm going to my hometown soon", Jenna said in excitement

"LONDON?" Cher asked

"no I'm going to virginia"

"love how you're Mexican but live in London" brynn said

"No I'm half Mexican half British is you stupid?"

"When are you going lovah" she asked. "Ummm... wait, 5 days".

"Wait...you aren't moving there right?" Vinnie asked
"No just to visit". "Phew I got scared for a nice second. But I'll miss you". "I'll miss you too" she sighed in satisfaction

2 hours later

"Side hoes we should go home now" Cher said and Jenna and Brynn nodded
"Babe? No" kio added
"Oh btw why am I not informed about Kio and Cher?"
"Idk it was supposed to be a suprise but you ended longer in the hopsital" she answered
"oh lol" Jenna's voice sounded kinda sore but she didn't want to show it.

Three got up and walked to the main door.
"Bye Jordan bye guys"brynn said leaving without any hug and so did Cher. But Jenna couldn't leave without hugging Vinnie. "Bye bye see ya" she softly said after getting out of the hug and going in Brynn's car.

Hey guyss
What's your favourite app lol

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