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Shinso POV

No. No no no. I must have heard that wrong. Kaminari wouldn't do that to himself would he?! "What did you say?" I asked Recovery Girl in one of the smallest voices ever. "I'm sorry. It seems Kaminari here is harming himself. Some are as recent as a week ago, as they are still scabbing over." She sighed. I started to cry, grasping Kami's hand. I heard the other's sobbing too. Mina was muttering something. "How did I not notice. He didn't tell me. Why didn't he tell me? Did I do something wrong? Does he not trust me? Am I a bad best friend?" She spiraled. Jiro hugged her, shedding quiet tears as well. She choked sobs into her shoulder. Kirishima was going on about something too. "Kamibro... I could've been there for him. I'm not manly at all, am I? I'm no hero if I wasn't able to help him." He whimpered into Bakugo's shoulder, who was crying silent tears and rubbing the redhead's back. "No Ei. You had no idea. None of us did. We can still help him." He mumbled in his ear. Sero was hugging himself, shaking his head and tearing up. Dad was staring at Kami in disbelief. "How could I not notice he has mental disorders? I should've seen the signs. I'm his teacher for fuck's sake. Why?" He muttered under his breath. Recovery girl looked at all of us sympathetically. "He will be alright. Keep a close eye on him, but don't overwhelm him. Everyone needs their space." She smiled warmly at us. We nodded. Kaminari's eyes fluttered open. 

"W-what happened? And why are you all crying?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. I realized I was still holding his hand. I let go of it instantly. He didn't seem to notice. "Denki... Why?" Mina asked in a tiny voice. "W-why what?" He tilted his head to the side in confusion. Dammit, stop being cute. Mina gestured to the upper half of his body. He looked down. His eyes widened. "O-oh! I c-can e-explain!" He stuttered. "Kami, we know. We care about you, we want to help you get better! Just tell us what's wrong." Kirishima smiled. Denks looked down in shame. 'When the hell do you call him Denks?' I thought to myself. 'Whatever. Not the time.' I decided to make a move, grabbing his hand again. He looked over at me, blushing. I smiled slightly. He blushed more. Adorable. "We're all here for you Kami. I may have just met you, but I already care for you." He blushed even more, if that was even possible. The pikachu looked like Kirishima's hair on steroids. The others nodded. "I wish I noticed sooner. I am so so sorry Kamibaby." Mina hugged him. He pulled his hand away from mine to hug her back. Kirishima hugged him too. Soon enough, Sero, Bakugo, Jiro and I were all hugging him too. I saw Dad smile a little. "Sorry to ruin the moment, but you should all be getting home. Your parents will be getting worried." Recovery girl said, walking out the door. "I'll be leaving now. See you all soon." She waved. We waved back. "How about we all go to Kami's house for a big sleepover!" Mina suggested excitedly, breaking the hug. "I-I'd have to ask my parents." Denks answered, putting his shirt back on. Ashido nodded, handing him his phone. He put in the password and dialed a number. 

"Hey mom. My friends were wondering if they could come over for the night." He spoke into the device. Mina scooted closer to hear what his mother was saying. "I promise. Thank you." He smiled. "Okay, I'll see you in a few minutes. Love you. Mwah." He smiled, hanging up. "Yay! Shinso's and my houses are on the way to house to your's, so we can stop by to get some clothes. Bakugo, Sero, and Jiro though... Hmm." She hummed, tapping her bottom lip. Dad cleared his throat. "I could drive you if you wish. My car should be big enough." He suggested. "Oh! Thank you! Now we won't have to walk!" She celebrated. We walked out. Denks tried to at least. He was limping a lot. I put one of his arms around my shoulder, letting him lean on me. His face got redder while Ashido, Sero, Kiri, Jiro, and Dad all gave a look that was the equivalent to the lenny face. We made it to Dad's car. "Uh, Mr. Aizawa, there's only five seats." Jiro pointed out. "One of you can sit in the passenger seat, the others can figure something out." Dadzawa deadpanned, getting in the front seat. "I call shotgun, bitches." Jiro grinned, opening the passenger door and sitting in the seat. There were only three seats in the back. Bakugo, Sero, and I got in in that order. "Kiri, you should sit on Bakugo's lap, you're least likely to get blown up." Denki smiled mischievously in Kirishima's direction. The ash blonde's and redhead's faces dusted with pink. "O-okay. Bakubro, are you chill with this?" Sharkboy asked. "Tch. Whatever, Shitty Hair." The angry pomeranian grumbled. Kiri smiled and sat on the blonde's lap. Mina got in after, sitting on Sero's lap. "For the bros." She raised her fist. "For the bros." Sero lightly punched it. She then grinned at Kami. "Oh Denkiiiii." She cooed. "Get in. We don't have all night." She giggled. Denki hesitantly sat on my lap, closing the car door as he got in. Dad, obviously trying not to smile, started the car and driving in the direction of Jiro's house first. 

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