Sore spot

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Now this story should be longer do enjoy.

Jaydon had been single for a while and ofcourse we all know about that one person who finds a way to break away your walls and make you catch feelings.

Now this girl had been in Jaydon's life for about 14 years, after he left school he hadn't heard from her.
He was going about his usual sucky life until one of their friends gave him her number.
Ofcourse he'd text her because why not?

They get to talking and catching up. They talk for hours completely oblivious to time.

Weeks go by and they're still talking.
The girl's name is Natasha, now today she's about to drop some news on Jaydon that'll put him on the spot.
They get to texting and out of nowhere she says to him that she's always had a crush on him. 14 years of knowing each other was a very good thing but throwing that into the conversation was a low blow.

After a while Jaydon gave in thinking why not. Even after claiming yo himself to not be wanting a relationship he caved.
They're dating and it was interesting, it felt natural since they already know everything about each other. Months went by and the relationship was blooming no slip ups, a few arguements here and there nothing major.
One day she gets home and texts him "I have something to tell you, dont get mad". Jaydon was already the jealous type with an anger problem. He says, "Okay let's hear it" they get to texting and she tells him that she kissed someone else.
Jaydon is disappointed not surprised just disappointment. Now he doesn't want to do anything drastic so he rationally talks it out with her and move on.

The very next day a friend texts him and tells him that they just saw Natasha making out with another guy, holding hands and her head on his shoulder. Jaydon is pissed even after rationally trying not to let his anger take over the day before now she does this.
She gets home and acts like nothing happened. Ofcourse he has no proof just words from someone else and he didn't want to seem like he didn't trust her. He had to go about it smartly.
They're conversation went along normally until he sutley mentions the friends name, she goes non responsive. She didnt reply for 15 minutes straight, She then proceeds to reply constantly with "I'm sorry".

Jaydon flips he gets so angry with her the entire conversation is just arguing. They're at it for hours until Jaydon has to make the choice. Stay and have to constantly worry about her actions or end the longest relationship he's had.

He leaves....

Ending the relationship and adding to his already chipped heart.

Months go by and she returns to texting him. And somehow they end up together again.
Though this time around it doesnt last that long. About a month after she cheats on him with an alien like being.

Once again she returned and snatched him up into another relationship.

How?? No one knows.

It takes a while this time before she cheats again.
Now you're probably thinking what is going on here if she keeps cheating why is he running back so constantly.
"Love is blind"

This pattern repeats three more times.
And ends with Jaydon ending the relationship on account of her cheating. Now the last time around Jaydon had become "cold" he trusted less he loved less and nothing caught his attention, he had enough or so he thought.

Until the next chapter 😁...

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