8. Heading Down Under

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Melissa popped another chip into her mouth whilst listening to Joel recounting some anecdotes from past races to her. He told her several hilarious stories that had her in fits of laughter and made her realise how much she'd missed out on. She could have been part of that. Instead she'd isolated herself up in Manchester. She wondered what she would have done differently if she could go back in time. Would she change anything?

She honestly didn't know. She was so happy to be back but her time in Manchester had given her time to heal, time to grow as a person. She was here now and that was what was important.

Testing in Barcelona had gone well. She'd managed to avoid being alone with Seb again. That was something she didn't want to risk. He was too much of a temptation. Even though she was well and truly over Adam she still didn't want to get involved with anyone. She didn't trust anyone with her heart after what he'd done.

In the end it had been quite easy to avoid Seb. She'd only seen him a few times as she'd spent most of her working hours with Lance.  Sophie had been helping her out and the lads had been on hand if Britta needed any help with Seb.

Annaliese had started being really bitchy to her after the evening she had interrupted Seb and Melissa's conversation. She obviously thought that there was something going on between her and Seb. Truth be told she couldn't do with playing stupid school girl games. If Annaliese wanted Seb she was welcome to him.

She grabbed another chip and dipped it in the small blob of ketchup she'd squirted on the side of the plate. Joel helped himself to a handful of chips. She slapped his hand away, playfully.

"I'm hungry!" he protested.

"So am I! I asked you if you wanted any before I went to get them!"

"I wasn't hungry then. They smell so good, and you have the perfect amount of salt and vinegar on them."

She ate a few more. She could see Joel eying the plate up. He was all but drooling.  In the end she could stand it no more. She popped one more chip in her mouth and then slid the plate over to him.


"You legend! I love you Melissa Afton."

"Good job I love you too or I'd have killed you by now," she muttered in reply.

"You all packed?" Joel asked her, shovelling a handful of chips into his mouth.

"Yes," she nodded. "You?"

"Just about, need to sort my carry on bag but that won't take long." They were leaving at some ungodly hour to catch their flight to Melbourne for the Australian Grand Prix. "Matt's picking us up at 2am, he's getting Sophie on the way."

Matt had been designated to drive them down to the airport as his was the only car big enough to take all their luggage. "I'm gonna stay awake, then I'll sleep on the plane. I hate flying."

"I know you do. I've flown enough with you," she teased. "You'll be ok.  There's more chance of having a car crash than a plane crash."

"That's not very reassuring Afton."

He stood up and picked up the plate and headed over to the sink and started to run the water into the washing up bowl.

"I really am going to get a dishwasher one day," he declared, looking at the small pile of washing up that had accumulated throughout the day. 
Melissa laughed at him. He'd been saying that for the last seven years.  She'd believe it when she saw it. 

She opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of mineral water out of it to take upstairs with her.

"I'm gonna get a few hours J, I don't think I can make it without sleeping."

Out Of The Blue (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now