26. Home

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"You what??" shrieked Joel, jumping to his feet. "You've invited Sebastian Vettel around here for dinner and you want me to cook?"

"I thought it would be ok? I thought Ollie could come over too. If it's not ok I'll order a takeaway, I won't subject him to my cooking." Joel started shaking his head.

"Of course it's ok, you just surprised me that's all. You spoke to him in the end then? Everything ok?" he asked, concerned.

"I think so," she sighed. "This goes no further ok? Between me and you, he told me he's stressed, I'm not sure what about, whether it's racing or something else. He needs to relax a bit. He was flying over anyway, so I thought it would be nice for him to spend time with us instead of being stuck in the hotel all the time." Joel nodded.

"Of course, no worries. I'll ask Ollie over. We can always go out for a drink after if you want some alone time with Seb."

"Thanks Joel. You're the best."

"I know I am, I just can't help it," he joked. "Anyway, you and Seb will have to do all the washing up if I cook."

"Deal, plus I always wash up anyway!"

"One day I'm going to get a bloody dishwasher I swear it...."


Seb took his seat on the plane. Today he was flying to the UK. Today, he was going to see Melissa again. He smiled when he thought of her. He couldn't believe he had been so distant from her lately. He was just feeling so stressed. He'd lost the championship lead, he wasn't even second now! He kept thinking that Ferrari had been right, he wasn't capable of fighting for the championship anymore. Then he'd turned 34 and that made him feel even more miserable.

He was just beginning to feel more and more isolated living out in Switzerland. He had Britta and Antti, he adored them but they had their own lives outside their jobs and he couldn't expect them to baby sit him 24/7.

He was seriously considering moving to the UK. He really needed to talk to Melissa. She was the only one he felt comfortable confiding in. Silly really, as he hadn't really known her that long but he just knew he could trust her.

He could feel himself falling for her more and more each day, and that scared him. He'd just thought it was a sexual attraction to begin with, but now he knew that wasn't all. They hadn't even had sex, in fact they'd done nothing more than kiss. He wanted her so much, not just in a sexual way. He wanted her to be his, and his only. And that scared him as it hadn't really been that long since he was with Madeleine. Dare he let himself be happy? The plane started taxiing. He stared out of the window, lost in thought.


Melissa strolled into the hotel car park. She texted Seb to let him know that she was here. The sun was beating down, it was a very hot day. She'd dressed in some denim shorts and a blue vest. She had her hair up in a messy bun and a pair of sunglasses on. She saw Seb emerge from the hotel. He also was wearing shorts. He jogged over, a big grin on his face.

"Hey baby, it's so good to see you," he said. He went to kiss her but she put her hand up to stop him.

"Not here, you never know where the press might be." He nodded in agreement. "But, yes, it's good to see you too."

She led him out of the car park and they crossed the road into the housing estate.

"I thought I'd walk down as it's such a nice day. I'll drop you back in the car later though. It shouldn't take long to get there, about 20 minutes."

"Joel was ok with me coming round?"

"Yeah, he's fine. His boyfriend, Ollie, is coming around too. By the way, we are nominated to do the washing up." Seb laughed but agreed. They walked along, making small talk and finally reached Joel and Melissa's home. Seb could see why they wanted to move to a bigger place. It was a small semi detached place and looked extremely compact. She opened the door and beckoned Seb to follow her in.

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