Chapter1: Start

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"You may kiss the bride," the priest said. WAIT! Let me start in the beginning when we were still in high school

Like most teenage girls, we start a "dear diary" situation and mine started like this

"Dear diary,

Hi! Hello! I'm Sato Akira and I'm finally in a new school. Let's try to have a new beginning, a beginning with no problems hopefully. Let's start with all the past behind my back. Back then, it was a nightmare"

Yeah, something like that. Every "dear diary" starts with your own self introduction. It's kinda where you pour your emotions in to that notebook. Well, it's kinda true, my past is really a big nightmare that you can't escape. My mother, who is now dead because of suicide. She abused me when I was still I child. She said that I was the reason why my father died, my father saved me in a fire accident. That wasn't my fault I got stuck in the nursery. She put me there to sleep and suddenly a fire started. It was very hard trying to move on. Many things happened and I have to live with my grandma since my mother died.

When I first started going to my new school, I was VERY excited that I'll go to a new and expensive school, well I got a sports scholarship. While I was walking around the school, I met a very cheerful girl named Kogane Ichiga. She was the first person to say "hi" to me. I was so happy and shy at the same time. We introduced ourselves to each other, and while we were walking down the hallways, she froze and warned me not to look up since the "school bully", Watabe Kei, is approaching. He was the son of a big major sweets company, MiJ corp. "Hey you! Get me my drink. Go on hurry up!" Watabe said angrily. I felt really bad so I went to the boy getting bullied, Haruto Kye, so I interfered in their conversation. I know that it was a very bad idea, Ichiga warned me and I didn't listen. A very bad idea. So yeah, when I went to interfere their conversation, I said "Hey, why does he need to get your drink. Can't you just get your own drink?" oh look, I have really big guts. When I said that Watabe came to me with a scary irritated face. He asked if I was a new student while pouring a shake at me. If you're wondering what type of shake, it's a mango shake. And also, how nice of him to point out my worn-out shoes. Well, they are old and worn-out, but I still wear this because my grandma worked hard to buy me these shoes and I love it even if it's already worn-out. While it was a bit silent Haruto apologized to Watabe and that he'll get his drink. I told him not to get it and let him get it himself. "OH MY! Sorry miss... Sato, I'll pay for your laundry." Haruto said worried and I said not to worry about it. "Hey, when are you two going to get my drink?!" Watabe asked angrily. I told him to get it himself, and he agreed to it but in one condition... "I will get my own drinks and be responsible, but in one condition and it's to be mine". And yes, I know what you're thinking, and no not that. He isn't asking me to be his girlfriend, but to be his next target. I said fine because I thought that he was asking me to be his girlfriend, oh boy I am wrong. Well how could you say no to this guy, he looks so handsome has a very deep voice that can melt any girl's heart. Eyes like eagle, lips so kissable, and very tall. Ok anyways, when I was walking to my locker when suddenly another handsome boy stopped me, Yatori Tooru, he was very handsome and nice. "Hey Ms. Beautiful," Yatori said. In my mind I'm screaming and can't calm down, but I managed to calm down afterwards. He asked me if we can be friends, and I asked if Mr. Grumpy (Watabe) was ok with it because they were friends, I thought he would be angry, but he said he wouldn't care. After that, we all went to class. And after all of that, I finally finished first day of school, and thought It's gunna be the best time in my life.  

To be continued...

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