Together Again Unexpectedly

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Malia blinked and struggled to understand what Hayley had just told her. She tried to keep her eyes open, but they kept closing. 

"Malia, hey, look at me.", Hayley said, concern in her voice as she placed a hand on the girl's cheek, blood on her mouth still from when she had drank Malia's blood. 

Malia blinked again and looked at Hayley's face as much as she could manage, her head falling forward a few times however. 

Hayley sighed and swore under her breath before she brought her own wrist up to her lips and broke the skin, more blood covering her mouth as she moved her wrist to Malia's mouth. 

" need to drink this, okay? It will help you heal. I promise.", she instructed softly as she stared at the young were-coyote. If Malia had heard her, she gave no sign. 

"Damnit Malia!", Hayley said again when another minute had gone by, a bit harsher now as she moved even closer and put her wrist to the were-coyote's lips, the blood dripping into her parted mouth. 

Malia seemed to snap out of it and she gripped onto Hayley's arm with a hand, black claws digging into the skin as she began to drink; her lips sucking on the bite mark as the blood went down her throat. Her eyes turned bright blue for a second as they stared into Hayley's own. 

Afterwards, Hayley calmed down and stood up, wrapping an arm around Malia's waist as she helped her up and then let go once she was certain that the girl was going to be alright.  She used her jacket sleeve and wiped the blood off her mouth.

"Thank you...I think. Do you have any idea where we could stay for the night?", Malia said, wiping her mouth off like Hayley had done as she spoke. 

Hayley sighed and was about to speak when another individual suddenly appeared before them.

"What were you bloody thinking Hayley?! Did you really think you could outsmart all of us!? Did you think that none of us would find you here?!", A british, blond-haired woman exclaimed when she finally found her niece's mother with some coyote girl in Massachusetts on the bluffs.

Hayley blinked and turned her head upon hearing the voice, seeing a very pissed off looking Rebekah Mikaelson in a black jacket, dark jeans, and short dark boots with her arms crossed over her chest. Sighing, she remained calm as she answered her daughter's aunt. Although she was still very much surprised to see the Original Vampire here even if she didn't show it.

"Look, Rebekah I saved Hope from Greta when I killed her long before Klaus and Caroline showed up. I then told her to go home because I didn't want her to see me kill the others in that house for depriving me of food, water, and blood for days. After, I left because I knew that if there were more followers of Greta it would be best if they followed me instead of going after my daughter.", she explained, "Hope had already seen Klaus at his worst and I didn't want her to see her mother that way. Please just...try to understand why I did this, okay?"

Malia narrowed her eyes at the new person and tried picking up on a scent, but only smelled death. She didn't like it and let out a low growl, her eyes turning a bright blue.

Both Hayley and Rebekah looked over at the girl.

"Oh sweetheart, you certainly won't win if you even try to fight me. I'd have your pretty little neck snapped before Hayley could stop me.", Rebekah said.

"Let's try not to fight anymore people Malia. We already killed these hunters and we still have to find a spot to hide their bodies so nobody in town learns of them. And Rebekah is a thousand years old. She's been around longer than you or I have lived.  She's also my daughter's aunt, so therefore she's apart of my family.", Hayley told the were-coyote, moving to stand in between her and Rebekah, not that the vampire needed protecting.

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