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DC stared at the dinner he had plated ever so nicely for Bryan just sitting at the head of the table, getting cold. He ran his hands down his face to try and stop the tears from falling as he tried to think of where he went wrong from when Bryan called him excited that a record exec heard his mixtape and wanted him to record it when he called two hours ago saying he was only fifteen minutes away.

That was the last line of communication from Bryan.

DC put his head on the table and tried to calm down and run through his list of possibilities again. Traffic was probably bad, maybe he was just stuck, or maybe he'd run into an old friend and they got lost just chatting together. The logical side of DC's brain scolded him, pointing out that it was more than likely Bryan was at a bar hitting up college students or at home with a new conquest.

They promised they'd work it out after DC had his incident with Texas and kissed Florida, he promised to stay loyal and it'd never happen again. Bryan promised that he was done cheating and really wanted to make this relationship work.

Bryan broke that promise not a day later, and argued that DC 'drove him to it'.

"This is all my fault." DC whimpered, finally letting the tears fall. If he didn't kiss Florida, if he didn't sleep with Texas, if he didn't have feelings for Louisiana, New York, and California, maybe Bryan would be loyal. He did everything; when Bryan said he was getting fat he immediately put himself on a restrictive diet to lose the weight, he stopped working so late so he'd be home in time to start supper, he even stopped spending too much time at the Statehouse so Bryan wouldn't feel jealous. He didn't know what else to do, what would please Bryan? What did he have to do to get the kindhearted magician he had met nearly a year ago?

DC picked his head up at a knock at the door, and quickly wiped his eyes as he jumped up to answer it. He swung the door open expecting to see Bryan standing in front of him with a handful of flowers, but instead was met with the main five.

"Hey DC!" Florida greeted.

"Sha are we glad this is your door." Louisiana said snickering.

"Your neighbors aren't nice." Florida said with a pout.

"W-What are you doing here?" DC asked.

"You left this back at the Statehouse." Texas announced holding out DC's jacket. DC quickly took the jacket and slung it over his shoulder. He bit his lip and looked at the main five, his cheeks becoming increasingly warm.

"Um....you came a long way....do you want some supper?" DC asked, stepping aside.

"FOOD." Florida yelled pushing past the federal district and into his apartment.

"Florida be NICE." California scolded the other three following as DC closed the door.

"I've got extras in the kitchen, I'll just bring them out." DC announced before disappearing. The five states looked around the nicely decorated apartment before their eyes fell to the already made up plate sitting at the table.

"Oh man I hope we didn't catch him while he was eating." California announced. Texas put a hand over the meatloaf and shook his head.

"Unless he likes his food subzero, this is completely cold." Texas announced.

"Bryan. It was Bryan's." Louisiana muttered darkly, just as DC came back with a couple bowls and plates.

"I hope you like meatloaf." DC announced placing everything on the table. As the states began grabbing plates and moving towards the food, their eyes followed DC as he picked up the cold plate, sighed, and began back towards the kitchen.

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