• Chapter 12 •

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On top of Wall Rose, Lorraine sat on a large, wooden crate next to Armin, looking over the city of Trost, and said softly, "Hey. Great job back there." Armin smiled and said, "I...I didn't really think through what I was going to say. I-I just kind of...improvised." Her lips curled up into a gentle smile and she reached up, brushing a lock of hair out of his eye. He chuckled and said, "It's funny, isn't it? When you're fighting for the people you care about most, you seem...unstoppable. Like you can do anything." She sighed and said, clasping her hands and resting her elbows on her knees, "Yeah. I know."

"It's like when the Colossal Titan first reappeared. I had to get everyone out of there safely. I just acted without thinking. Look where that got me. Running my first operation as a squad leader."

Armin let out a small sigh. He asked, "Are you okay?" Lorraine nodded and said, "Yeah. I guess so." He said, standing up and adjusting his jacket, "Looks like Pyxis is about to make his announcement." Lorraine stood up and said, "Right. Let's go."

Pyxis stepped to the edge of the wall and cleared his throat. Lorraine stood next to Mikasa and Armin, listening intently and watching the elderly Commander in awe. He took a breath and in a voice that seemed to travel for miles, said, "ATTENTION!!" There were Cadets and Garrison soldiers gathered down in the streets below, including many of the group's friends. Pyxis continued, "I will now explain the details of the Trost Recovery Operation! The objective of this operation is to seal the hole in the destroyed gate. As for the means by which we will do so, let me beging by introducing this young man: Eren Jaeger of the 104th Cadet Corps." Muttering and whispering began down below, but was cut short by Pyxis.

"He is the successful result of our top-secret Titan-based experimentation, able to fabricate and control a Titan's body at will."

Lorraine turned to Mikasa and said, "Hey, Mikasa. I know it's a bit late to ask, but...do you think he can really do it?" Mikasa said surely, "Yes. I believe he can." Lorraine looked at Mikasa's face, then back at Eren, who stood tall in a proud salute, the wind tossing his chestnut hair about.

"How can we be so certain of his success? I mean, what if he can't do it? What then?"

"In his Titan form," Pyxis elaborated, "He will lift that giant rock near the front gate and carry it to the destroyed gate, sealing the hole once and for all. As for you recruits, your job is simple: defend Eren Jaeger from the other Titans while he carries the rock." Armin suddenly had a thought and turned around, swiftly walking back to where the officers stood, discussing the plan. Lorraine watched as he pointed and spoke inaudibly to her.

"He's matured a lot in such a short time. I'm glad to see him believing in himself."

After some time, the crowd below erupted into frightened chatter and many started running away out of fear. Lorraine and Mikasa looked at each other nervously. Commander Woermann's distinctly shrill voice was heard, "Don't you go anywhere, traitors! I'll execute you all here and now!!" Pyxis shouted, cutting off Woermann, "By my order, anyone who wishes to leave will not be charged with treason!" Silence fell over the expanse of soldiers.

"Those who have seen a Titan first-hand will not be expected to face them again. Whomever this applies to, you may leave with my blessing! Additionally, anyone with family or loved ones they would spare from the trauma may also leave! We will continue to recognize your service! Thank you and good luck!"

Several minutes passed. Down below, the soldiers gradually made their decisions. Though a few left, the majority of them stayed in the end. Pyxis smirked and said, "Now, let us discuss four years ago. Namely, the operation to retake Wall Maria. I'm sure this goes without saying, but while we called it a 'recovery operation', it was, in reality, just a way to dispose of the unemployed masses that the government couldn't support." Lorraine glanced at Armin, who had returned to her side. He looked down at his feet, but she put her hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

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