Chapter 3

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After the rather intense conversation with mom, I went back to the training grounds at least I planned to.

“Young miss, your lessons. “Yana firmly reminded me which made me pout but I later then decided I should also do my studies properly.

I was then lead to the library in the west wing. There my tutor waited , she seemed a bit mad that I made her wait but later erased that expression and gave me my lessons.

To be honest she reminds me of my homeroom adviser in college. She gives off a cool and slightly scary vibe at first but she gradually becomes friendly. A bit.

My subjects were somewhat similar to those back at college, literature, mathematics, social studies, history and well magic.

Since magic existed I’m guessing science is somewhat not that popular.

“Young miss please listen carefully.” She reminded me when I zoned out. I feel like she’s annoyed cause I’m not listening sometimes but it’s not like she can yell at me since well I’m a future duchess.

My tutor Mrs. Rose made me go through similar classes to high school. It was easy since I already graduated high school and  well the lessons like in math are similar to what I already know and yes I am good at math. In fact it’s my favorite subject next to English.

After the boring lessons, I had to go do other ones like dance lessons, embroidery which was hard since I never did it before. I manage to get a hang of it after a few tries but I still got injuries which wasn’t a big of a deal.

Finally my struggle was done and I happily walked with Yana back to the training grounds, the knights greeted me as they were on break. I just smiled at them and made my way towards dad and Lucas who were sparring.

The sound of wood clashing at each other echoed through the place. The fight wasn’t that difficult at least not from where I’m watching but I’m sure it’s difficult when actually done.

Dad gave me a glance as I didn’t bother calling out to them since they were clearly busy in there own thing. It seems as dad said something to Lucas as they stopped for a while and took a break.

I happily skipped my way towards them with a toothy grin on my face. Dad’s brows was raised he then smiled at me.

“You seem happy? Any good news?” he asked which made me smile more.I nodded and glanced at Lucas who was slightly panting due to tiredness.

“Guess what dad!” I said, he playfully placed his forefinger on his chin as if he was thinking about something before asking me what.

“You didn’t even try guessing.” I said pouting which earned a laugh from him. “I’m bad at guessing and I might spoil your mood so what’s the good news?” he asked.

“Mom agreed! “ I said before jumping from joy, dad’s eyes widen for a moment but it quickly disappeared and he just smiled.

“Oh? That is good news though your mom’s not one to just agree out of the blue.” He said, realizing that as I didn’t come back earlier.

“You must have convinced her well.” He said smiling , “I did ! It was hard though! Mom said I’m allowed but only basics for now is what she said.” I said which earned a chuckle from dad.

“No wonder she agreed. But at least you manage to persuade her, well start tomorrow since dad’s tired.” He said as he gave me a head pat.

“Right Lu?” he asked Lucas who was just watching us, Lucas nodded and gave me thumps up. I gave him one as well.

Dad told us to get ready for dinner so we did. Yana and I went back to my room where two other maids whose name was Annie and Marie helped me get ready.

They were twins which explains why I get confused when their both here, as they look identical apart from there personality.

Annie is the happy-go-lucky type while Marie was the cool headed type.

Once I had my night gown on, Marie guided me to the dining area since Yana had some things to do.

Dinner was enjoyable specially the food! It was like eating in a five start restaurant everyday which is something I thought was hardly possible as those were really expensive.

After eating dinner, I went back to my room and had my hair brushed out as there were some tangles in it. After that the maids bade me goodnight before closing my doors.

I stared at the ceiling for a while before sitting up and grabbing another piece of paper and writing out a plan to avoid future disasters, a.k.a my future death.

My methods are still vague and well I haven’t thought of it yet, specially since I’ll be going to the academy when I’m fifteen.
One of my plans was plainly avoiding the crown prince and heroine as much as possible.

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