Don't wanna go camping? You have to anyways!

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Time skip to a week later
At the school playground
Rin's P.O.V
"All of you Gals assemble here!", I ordered. As instructed, Gumi, Lia (IA), Yukari and Mayu gathered in front of me. I cleared my throat.

"SO it's our last day at school before camping today, yes?". All the girls nodded in agreement.

"So to celebrate that we will sing the 'Rin-chan now' song!"

"HAI!", they all yelled together.

They started singing. I was proudly watching them hail my name. I caught Len staring at our way, but didn't really give him a shit. Then he did something that would cause a bit disturbance at my end.

"Boys and Flower! Come here!", He yelled out to call his friends as he wiggled his arms in the air.
Boys and Flower? Seriously? That sounds so stupid.  I told myself. He could have just said something else. No wonder why he is now an outcast in the very group that he created. I can't imagine a lifeless otaku like Fukase-senpai surpassing MY brother. I wish Len was like me, maybe he is but he just can't put it up properly. But let's see what he does.

"Ah everyone is here! But wait where is Fukase?", Len asked.

"Call me Fukase-senpai or niisan next time or I'll beat your ass.", Fukase-senpai said as he walked towards them. It was so damn noisy here I couldn't even make a shit out of what they were talking about.

"Oi girls. Hold for a moment.", I put my arm up in the air, and instantly the singing girls in front of me stopped.

"The other day you called me just by my name in front of Miku. It was fucking embarrassing."

"I'm so sorry Fukase-senpai!", Len assured him as he lowered his head, "I'll never do it again."

"It's ok, just make sure you don't do it again.", Fukase-senpai put his hand on Len's shoulder.

"So why did you call us here?", I could hear Flower's voice clearly. You could literally hear her from a mile away even if she is whispering.

"I wanted all of us do something to celebrate our last day before camping!", Len told them smiling, "So can we sing together? PLEEEEASE? It's alright if you don't want to."

Seriously? Did he really steal my idea? And why is he requesting them? All he has to do is order them and be a boss. This is why no one in the group takes him seriously. Oof I just can't believe he is my brother.  I silently stood there, internally cringing.

"Sure! Why not?", Flower agreed to him

"That would be great as Fukase-senpai and Oliver-kun will not be accompanying us.", Piko told.

"But what song do we sing?", Oliver asked.

"How about 'the Banana song'?", Len asked them while scratching his head.

"NOOOOOO!", They all yelled together.

"Why not?", Len asked, "It's a pretty good song, and we used to sing this in the early days of the meme squad."

Good old days.  I Told myself with my eyes closed as if to remember my moments from back then. Back in the days Len and I used to almost rule over the school, though we had different groups. Mine was called the 'Rin-chan squad' where Len's group was called...Eh I forgot. But it wasn't meme squad, that is when Fukase-senpai joined. My group was vast comparing to his. Now we are equal in numbers. Thanks to Miku. That bitch, Gumi and I were childhood besties. Then I decided to create a group for us three and some other girls. But as our group got bigger and bigger, I felt like some of the members were pretty useless. One of them were definitely Miku. She is fucking immature and don't really speak to many people except for Gumi and I. And honestly, my group ain't for dumb people like her so I wanted to remove her. But I couldn't really tell it on her face as she has been my friend since childhood. Everyday that past, I just kept feeling like Miku is a burden and needed to be gotten rid of. So Gumi and I started bullying her to the point that she willingly just left. After that some of the members automatically started leaving. I swear to God if Miku convinced them into doing so, I will not keep her alive. Luckily enough I had Gumi and some of my most trusted friends Lia, Mayu and Yukari.

"Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-bananAaaAAAaaAAAaaa!", I snapped back to reality when this voice reached my ears. All I could hear was Flower growling, Oliver screeching and the others mewing after her. Ok I seriously hate their voices. It's giving me a headache.

"Girls start singing. And sing louder than the meme squad.", I commanded. They instantly acted upon it.

"Rin-chan now! RIN-CHAN NOW!", I heard Gumi and Lia sing.

"Rin-chan now! RIN-CHAN NOW!", I saw Mayu and Yukari dance. I heard Len's squad sing louder, so I ordered them to sing even louder than them.


"Rin-Chan Now! Rin-Chan Now! Rin-Chan, Rin-Chan, Rin-Chan Now!"


"Rin-Chan Now! Rin-Chan Now! Rin-Chan, Rin-Chan, Rin-Chan Now!"

Slowly this started into a war. It became worse to the point that both parties literally started fighting with each other. Lia and Mayu were beating Oliver and Piko, and Gumi and Yukari were chasing after Flower and Fukase-senpai, as senpai ran away with Flower's hands in his.

"Oi gals! Get over it!", I yelled from a distance, "Come back here. Ya'll don't wanna mess with assholes before leaving. We wanna be in a good mood!". Following my orders they returned back to me.

My friends follow my orders only. Len could never. That is why he is stupid  I thought to myself and smiled as I left the playground.

Part two of this chapter is still pending. Just wanted to write something fun on this chapter. See ya'll on part two!

Songs used:
Rin-chan now by OWATA-P, Original singers: Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka.
Banana song by 106, Original singer: Kagamine Len.

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