This is not a chapter but you cannot skip this either.

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If you are still reading this shit, then congratulations! You have just unlocked this bonus chapter, which ain't even related to the story. But hey, it's important . All I want to say is, do not take covid-19 lightly. That is, do not confuse yourself with corona and normal flu(I said that coz I know a lot of people with this misconception). The world had stopped after the outbreak of covid-19. Schools, offices, literally everything is closed so that we can stay home. Where as there are some people, who are still moving around the streets, usually in a big group of like 5 or 6, without any reason, promoting the spread of the virus. When they are asked why and what are they doing here, they say things like,"I don't feel like staying at home!" or "Why does it bother you? Go mind your own business!" or the lamest thing you can think of,"I didn't even know about this!". Trust me, people like this exists. Please don't be like them, stay home stay safe. Wash your hands for 20 seconds. Try not to get too many people at your home. Please stay safe, and if you are already infected plz get well soon! Thank you for reading my unhelpful advice. If you get very bored, you can always listen to this:

Or watch this video:

And if you're still found outside without any reason, Satan and I will poke your asses off with our tridents. So the choice is yours, stay alive or get into your grave...

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