When me and her arrived , I went into the restaurant with Sophie on my arm made me feel both comfortable and uneasy. Comfortable because she had a way about her that made me feel relaxed and calm. Uneasy because we were preparing to be around Fiona The Horse . Who could possibly be carrying my baby mabey!!! , and who was known to treat My girlfriend Sophie like shit. I was leading her into her uncomfortable grounds. All my senses were up.
We were the first two to be seated at the table for four on the expansive terrace that overlooked the turquoise-blue water. I helped Sophie into her chair and couldn't help but notice she was spinning and Toying with the little strap on her purse and spinning the silver bracelet on her wrist.
"Hey, we've got this. I'll take care of you. Always. You trust me, right?" I said to her .
Her Pretty Hazel brown eyes locked on mine and she gave me a careful nod as a sign of yes .The server then appeared, a slight young girl who seemed shy by me. Great. Just what I needed. I didn't want Her feeling insecure. I reached across the table and took her hand. I cleared my throat and the waitress's eyes snapped up. "Something to drink?"The waitress said.
"Yes, just water for me please I said" , but what wine do you have in the shelf ?" I nodded to Sophie .
Sophie's lips curved in a smile as she listened to the choices, and then placed her order of the wine . I knew my girl.
Once the server was gone, She shot me a curious glance. "Water because of your shoots coming up?" She asked me.
She nodded. It actually wasn't, but letting her think so was easier. I wanted all my needs to deflect Fiona's rudeness from Sophie tonight. I didn't want alcohol slowing my reaction time or numbing me to the situation. This was essentially the first time they would be forced into each other's presence , and that kinds scared the hell out of me. I would need to play interference. I wouldn't have The Horse messing around with my girl.
The evening breeze picked up strands of Sophie's hair and lifted them from her neck. I watched her, stunned by her beauty , until a wave of laughter with a British accent interrupted our silence. My stomach dropped . My new girlfriend and my ex-lover at the same table. Fuck. "I said in my head."
Fiona then walked onto the terrace in a flowing orange sundress on the arm of an older bald man, who She assumed was our company for the evening. She looked gorgeous, as always, and She hated her for it. While her hair was three times its normal volume and frizzed out of control from the humidity, hers was flat-iron sleek and smooth and hung in a glossy wave down her back. Her lips were painted in pink gloss, and were those false eyelashes? She resisted rolling her eyes and instead followed My lead, standing to greet them both.
The Horse then kissed Me on both cheeks and I can see Sophie clenched her fists so tightly till her nails cut into her palms. Ouch. Breathe, Sophie , She reminded herself.
The bald man introduced himself as Breant Alexander . He was the photographer for the photo shoot.
Once we'd ordered drinks, Fiona The Horse stood from the table and one hand resting on her little pregnant belly. "Will you excuse me a moment? I need to visit the restroom. This baby makes me wee more." She giggle and said .
Whor*. Sophie said in her head to Fiona .
She had no patience for her or this pregnancy. If that made her a terrible person, so be it. I can see that she was trying her hardest to be polite and well mannered around Fiona The Horse. She couldn't also be expected to control her thoughts. And in her mind, She would have clawed Fionas eyes out before the appetizer even arrived.
We dined on grilled swordfish, tiger prawns, and scallop mousse, which I didn't think I'd like until I urged her to try a bite from my fork while Fiona is sitting across watching us being sweet . And back you the point , She found it surprisingly good. But her favorite dish of the night was the pepper and Parmesan pasta . It was creamy and salty and She ate every bite on her plate.
She did her best to ignore Fiona and I can see that , which was relatively easy but not that easy for her . She focused on the delicious food as Breant Alexander talked endlessly about all the models he'd shot over the years. It was kinda boring , really, to talk as much as He did, but none of us minded because She sensed that Me and Fiona were just as glad for the distraction as I was. He only talked briefly of their photo shoot on the beach, and She asked a few basic questions about his start and end times, like any good assistant would, before the topic was changed to cover the rest of Breant impressive list of accomplishments.
For being pregnant, Fiona didn't seem to have much of an appetite. She merely pushed the food around her plate, playing with it more than eating. For dessert, though, she requested pink grapefruit salad, and though Sophie wanted the cheesecake she kept her mouth shut and nodded along, ordering the same.
I leaned towards Sophie, "Are you sure that's all you want?" I asked .
"Yes, that's fine," She answered.
I frowned, the crease in between my eyebrow deepening as I studied her. I knew her too well.
My left hand remained on her knee throughout the meal, my thumb softly caressing her skin. A few times She caught Fiona's eyes slipping back and forth between me and Her and Sophie wondered if she was pondering what he saw in me. She couldn't say She really felt bad for her; it was more like a subtle awareness permeating the air, reminding us all that I picked Sophie and not her.
My hand crept higher on her thigh, my fingertips pressing into her flesh. Lifting her chin to look into my eyes, She saw a man in need. My intense dark Amber eyes was locked on hers and a shiver zipped up my spine. She had no idea what I was trying to tell her. Only that I seemed to need something. I fought to quiet the anxieties plaguing my mind.
I had completely tuned away Brent's rambling then My eyes was glued to her thighs where the sundress had hitched up when She'd sat down, and my fingertips traced little circles along the tender skin. My eyes were dark and hungry, almost primal in my craving for her.She pushed her knees together, trying to stop the little butterflies of pleasure racing up from my touch and making her panties feel constrictive over her sensitized flesh.
I had been so attentive, so loving that She was starting to feel guilty making me wait so long. Me and her have already been intimate, already breached that boundary—many, many times in fact. But now because of the whole Fiona pregnancy fiasco, She sworn off sex with me . It probably wasn't fair for me . Or for her. Maybe She would change that tonight.
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The Lust Of Love
RomanceA sweet southern girl out of her depth in New York City's breathtaking fashion industry, and A Hot male Model and the hot male model who introduced her to a world of pleasure and Lust . But their story is far from complete...