When I arrived in Queens that morning to talk to Ellie a quick check of the clock told me that Sophie should be at the library for her seminar. I pressed the button for their bell , hoping Ellie was home.
"Yeah?" Ellie said a moment later.
"Hey, it's me Sophie's boyfriend . Can I come up for a minute?"
"Um, Sophie is not home."
"I know. I wanted to talk to you alone, actually." I said.
"Oh." Her confusion was evident in her tone, even through the scratchy intercom speaker. "Okay. Come on up. I'll buzz you in." She said to me.
I then took the stairs to apartment 4B. The aroma of various international cuisines hit my nostrils inside the building, along with the smell of damp, sour laundry from the first-floor laundry room.
When I reached their unit Ellie was standing in the doorway waiting for me. "Well, look who it is . . . the man, the legend, Sophie's Boyfriend ." She smiled sarcastically. "What brings you by?"
"I was hoping we could talk about a few things concerning Sophie ."
"Sure." She waved me inside after her and closed the door. "You want anything to drink?"
"I'm fine, thank you." We headed toward the one small sofa dominating their living room and sat down.
"So . . ." Ellie cocked her head, waiting for me to explain my presence here.
"I'd like Sophie to move in with me. I know she's worried about finding a job and paying rent here. She could work for me and live with me to take care of both problems."
"That's a bit sudden, don't you think?" She said.
I shook my shoulders . "Not when I know we belong together. I don't take this lightly. I've never lived with a woman; I've never even considered it. Sophie has challenged everything I thought I knew about relationships. I want this. And it has nothing to do with her being late on her rent, either."
Ellie's expression softened. "Why are you telling this to me and not her?" Ellie Said.
"Because I know her and how determined she is to make her own way. She might require some convincing, a gentle nudge in the right direction."I said.
"You want me to help you convince Sophie to move in with you and what, be your personal sex slave?" She raised her brows, taunting me. "Sounds like a demanding position." She said.
"No. I'd like her to be my assistant. And yes, when I talk to her about all this I assume she'll ask your opinion. I was hoping you'd see things my way." I said.
Ellie looked skeptical.
"I've also taken the liberty of hiring a roommate-finding service for you. They advertise the room opening, interview applicants for you, and complete background checks on potential tenants. You would have your rent covered here."I said.
Ellie's eyes lit up and locked on mine. I could tell I'd just hit on a key point. I'd known that Ellie was working overtime to cover both shares of their rent. And now that I was paying attention, I noticed her skin was pale and dark circles underscored her eyes. She looked worn out.
"If she brings it up to me, I'll talk to her. But I'm not going to convince her to do something she doesn't want to do."Ellie said.
I nodded. "Okay. I understand." I wasn't going to force Sophie into this arrangement, either. But if she worked for me, she'd be free to join me in Fiji and any other place I was working. I needed her with me. Plain and simple. And she had immensely enjoyed her travels in Paris and Milan. This would be a chance for her to see the world.

The Lust Of Love
RomanceA sweet southern girl out of her depth in New York City's breathtaking fashion industry, and A Hot male Model and the hot male model who introduced her to a world of pleasure and Lust . But their story is far from complete...