Chapter Six

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I couldn't breathe I was running so fast. I didn't know where I was going, but I needed to run faster. I could hear the growls behind me as I tried to get away. Glass and debris dug into the bottom of my feet, but I kept running. I rounded the corner and felt a sense of relief when the Ghostbusters headquarters came into view. I ran as fast as I could, but fell to the ground as something grabbed my ankle. I looked back to see what grabbed me and gasped. A long pale arm was extended out from the storm drain and through the darkness, two big red eyes stared back at me.

"Let me go!" I screamed. A heavy pressure landed on my back as a massive creature pounced on top of me. I bellowed in agony as I felt its long claws rake against my back, shredding my shirt to pieces. The creature growled in my ear. I screamed once more.

"LORI!" A voice called out to me. "LORI, WAKE UP! LORI!" I opened my eyes and saw a bright light, Egon and Ray were at my side. My heart was racing, I was soaked with sweat, gasping for air. "Lori, are you alright?" Ray asked. I couldn't speak, my throat was so dry. I nodded at him and him and Egon helped me sit up.

"ARGH!" I grunted as they sat me up; my back was in severe pain.

"Does your back hurt?" Egon asked,I nodded once more. Egon disappeared behind me and lifted the back of my shirt. "Ray can you get the camera for me?" Ray ran and got the camera and Peter walked in with a bottle of water.

"Here, drink this," Peter handed me the water. "It might help your throat." I quickly took the bottle and chugged its as fast as I could, dousing the fire raging in my throat.

"Thanks," I panted before turning towards Egon. "Why do you need a camera?"

"We need to document this." Egon answered. Ray ran into the room with the camera in his hand and over to Egon. A few moments later, the room filled with a blinding bright flash.

"Document what? What's wrong with my back?" Ray looked at Egon and then back at me. Ray gently placed his hand on my knee and let out a sigh.

"Your back is really red and has claw marks running down it."

"You're joking, right?" The room fell silent. "Holy crap, you're serious."

"Lori, you need to tell us what you dreamed about." Egon put down the back of my shirt and asked Peter to get the first aid kit.

"I thought it was just a dream, was it really that bad?" I didn't realize how bad it was, until they explained it to me.

"You were all over the place Lori," Ray explained. "You were tossing and turning, kicking, and throwing your arms up in the looked like you were being attacked."

"I could hear you screaming from the bedroom." Peter added as he returned with the kit; he lifted my shirt causing me to wince in pain, but he gently applied medicine and bandages to my cuts.

"Lori, it's extremely important to know what you were dreaming about." Egon added. "Without that information, we can't begin to figure out what we're dealing with." Egon and Peter made their way for the door. "We'll give you a few minutes to collect yourself. Ray she's still under the influence of the pill, I need you to follow her and make sure she doesn't hurt herself."

Ray helped me climb out of bed and into the bathroom. Once inside, I turned my back to the mirror and lifted the back. Sure enough, three long claw marks were stretched across my back, some places were covered in small bandages that were damp with blood. It damn near looked like I was attacked by a tiger...but it wasn't a tiger sounds like that.

"Lori?" Ray softly called out from outside the bathroom. I let out a sigh and put my shirt down.

"Come in," I answered back. The bathroom door slowly opened and Ray entered the room.

Ghostbusters: The Return of Gozer (EDITING IN PROCESS)Where stories live. Discover now