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"So as everyone know, our school will compete at the school nearby us" Ms. Eunha reminded as she held a very cheerful aura with her

'Oohh..a new rival school'

'Hope they'll lose'

'I'm pretty sure we're gonna win'

'I heard they have handsome basketball players!'

'They are like the definition of hot'

"What's new? rumors here, rumors there" Ryujin muttered silently

"I want everyone to play fair and square..I don't want any of us getting disqualified because of some few of you being careless about their actions" Ms. Eunha reminded the students specifically the boys at the back

"Yes, Ma'am. We won't do it!" Park Jisung cheerfully answered as he salute to his teacher making others chuckle a bit

"Hopefully" Han Jisung added making some of the class laugh and at the same time Ms. Eunha massaging her temples, Goodthing the school bell rang making her sigh

"Okay,  class dismissed." The students rejoiced as they began standing up from there seats

And a certain cat-eyed boy leaning at the lockers waiting for the girl to go out of their classroom,

Ryujin slung her backpack only on one shoulder, making her look cool without even noticing it as she went towards the door

"Ryujin!" The boy greeted the girl who came out of the room, looking gorgeous as always

'Are they dating?'

'Who knows?'

'I was even planning on courting Ryujin'

'Too bad, Someone got ahead of you'

"Hyunjin?, what are you doing here?" Ryujin asked as both of them walked together

"Oh, let me help you with that first.." Hyunjin offered to help with the books and folders that the girl is holding

"Uh...No need, It's fine.." Ryujin still feeling awkward by the sudden offer

"Well, How about your bag..I'm pretty sure you need help..let me help you with that.."  Hyunjin rambled

"Y-You don't have to---" the girl was unable to continue her statement

Since the cat-eyed boy didn't wait for her to finish her response and just took her backpack and held it with his hands

'Well, he already has it..' the short-haired girl thought inside her mind

"Anyway, I thought you had a practice for basketball today together with Seungmin and Felix.." Ryujin asked as both of them paused at her locker as place her things inside

"Well, It e-ended earlier than we t-thought" Hyunjin stuttered,as he couldn't stare at the girl for too long

She shrugged it as both of them walked together out of the school..while her eyes was searching for her other friend—which is obviously the twin sister of the boy beside her

"Who are you looking for?" He asked as his jealousy side acting up

"Yeji, We were suppose to go to the mall" She cluelessly replied, remembering what they had planned yesterday

Ryujin then got a sudden message from Yeji that made her open it immediately


-Yeji the cat -

Sorry Ryu, The pink-boy
asked me out for a date again..

Sorry for delaying
our shopping, I'll make it up
to you next time

It's alright unnie, have fun
with your date~


"Well, I can help you with your shopping then" He offered once again at the girl

"Nah..I think I have to postpone it today" She declined the offered and  smiled as she took her bag from his hand

Hyunjin sadly nodded towards the girl as the both of them headed towards the bus shed

"Be careful on your way home.." Hyunjin informed to her but Ryujin was unable to hear it since she was already inside

"It's hard to like someone"  Hyunjin stared at the bus going away as he sighed deeply

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