Hey, Bud🌱🙌

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It was Thursday morning and I was getting dressed for school. I was thinking about my mystery friend and how annoying she was. She said that she had planned out exactly what she would tell me up until the day of our friendanniversary and that I had till Friday to come up with mine.

So the past couple of days all I have gotten out of her was that her mom bought her new pairs of shoes to help kick off her senior year. Apparently, she loved her sock and shoes obsession since it was super easy to get her gifts now. She is partially the reason that she has so many in the first place.

I hadn't seen Jennie or her crew either, and I was a little worried that I hadn't impressed them enough to join the group. I thought that they at least liked me a little bit since they invited me to sit and have lunch with them that first day.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I tried to comb my long hair and threw the brush onto my bed. I was about to walk over to pick it back up when I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11:01. When did it get so late? I abandoned my mission to curl my hair and threw a simple hairpin.

I gathered up my stuff as fast as I could and dashed up the stairs. At 11:26, I pulled the brakes on Haneul a little too hard as I pulled up to the bike rack. I tucked my helmet into the compartment and bolted for the school doors.

By this time, the secretary recognized me as, "the girl who only takes one class," and didn't even spare me a good morning as I passed. The halls were still crowded and I slowed my pace as I weaved my way in and out of the crowd. I walked into the auditorium to find that I was the last person to arrive so I shuffled into the second row.

I was leaning forward, searching through my backpack when I felt someone take the seat next to me. A girl who I have never seen in this class before was sitting next to me and had an amused expression. She had chocolate brown hair that curled up at the ends and a smile that even dentists would kill for.

"Hey," she said, waving a little.

"Uh, hi," I replied, shifting in my seat.

"Are you new here?" she asked. She looked me over, probably to double check her memory on whether or not she knew me.

"Um, yeah," I swiped the imaginary lent off of my skirt, adjusted my glasses and averted her gaze.

"Oh cool! I just joined this class and you were the only one who was sitting alone so I decided to come over and introduce myself. I'm Iris by the way. What's your name?" she smiled sweetly.

"Oh, my name's Chaeyoung." Iris nodded her head as if she was trying to commit my name to memory,

"Well it's nice to meet you, Chaeyoung. My schedule just got changed around so maybe I will see you in another class too."

"Yeah maybe," I said smiling back. I don't know why I said that. It just felt weird to tell her I was homeschooled. I didn't feel the same level of comfort or trust, as when I was around Jennie and her friends.

"So what year are you?" she asked, turning to face me and propping her head on her hand.

"I'm a senior. You?"

"Junior. I've got one more year in this prison before I can finally leave. High school is rather dramatic don't you think? So do you have a boyfriend?"

I was a little taken back by how forward she was right after introducing herself, but who was I to judge a stranger? "Haha, um none. Why do you ask?"

She waved my question off with a giggle, "Oh I was just curious that's all. You'll get used to my interrogation skills once you get to know me better. I know most people find it a little off-putting but I really am just nothing but a cupcake."

The teacher cut off our conversation when she clapped for attention so I focused not on the quirky girl next to me, but the lesson instead. For some reason, the class seemed like there was no end in sight, and I really, really had to go to the bathroom. I couldn't hold it any longer so I raised my hand and was excused.

I walked out of the auditorium and headed left in hopes that there was a restroom nearby. I was about to pull out my phone to check the time and turned the corner. Oh crap! I forgot my phone. Hopefully it's in my seat!

I walked right into the side of a girl trying to grab a drink from a water fountain. I practically side tackled her to the floor and we both laid on the ground next to each other, trying to figure out what just happened.

I looked over to person I just tackled and saw that it wasn't just any girl

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