the knight and the princess

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me: abt to go to sleep*

also me: *remembers my face in my ID card in 2nd grade*

me: u҈n҈g҈o҈d҈l҈y҈ s҈c҈r҈e҈a҈m҈i҈n҈g҈


Nene wrap the coat around her petite form and quietly walk down the empty halls. Candles were guiding her way towards the exit, soft footfalls was heard by her own ears and none of the people were up in the huge Castle.

She walked quietly towards the big door that led towards the exit and carefully close the door so it wouldn't creak.

Once she was out, she went to the back and walk towards some beautiful garden she always came whenever she's feeling lonely or stressed.

Nene smiled and sat on the grass and looked at the moon with the same smile she wore. Her eyes then trailed off at the pond with a few fishes in it and lily pads floating above.

"Princess?" Nene tensed up at the sudden voice calling out to her while she's drifting off to sleep.

Nene looked behind her and found her personal knight. ( also a friend. )

"K-kou-kun! What are you doing here?" Nene asked, her lips formed to a nervous smile. Due to the fact that Kou might find it weird for a princess to be in the garden late at night.

"I should be asking you the same Princess." Kou chuckled, and just joined her looking at the full moon.

Comfortable silence filled the atmosphere as the two were enjoying each other's company.

"Hey, Princess..." Kou trailed off sadly, making Nene worried.

"What's wrong?" She asked, confusion and worry in her voice. She was confused why Kou is suddenly sad.

"Prince Yugi..." Nene flinch at the name. She looked down sadly which Kou immediately noticed.

Prince Yugi Amane, a soon-to-be King at the 7th Wonders kingdom. Amane is known to be a cruel man with no mercy in his heart, his Kingdom is one of the Highest-ranked Kingdom of all time. Meaning; he could have everything he want. By everything, he wants to marry Yashiro Nene. Of course, a kindhearted woman like her is no match for a cruel man like him.

Nene denied the offer obviously. Which made Amane angry.

And so on, there is a war between them. With Kou volunteering the war to protect his Kingdom and friends.

"I.... I'm sorry, Kou-kun. If only I had.." Nene burst out crying. "H-had accept his offer, t-this idiotic war wouldn't h-have to happen." She said, choking in between sobs.

"No! Princess, don't apologize. If only the King and Queen haven't forced you to go to his debut, this wouldn't have happen. N-not that I'm saying that it's their fault though." Kou mumbled at the last part which Nene giggled.

"I promise.." (You guys already know what's going to happen.)

"I promise I'll protect you and the Kingdom. Even if I meet death's eyes, I promise I'll found you in another lifetime." Nene blushed at his words, but just smiled and nodded.


Kou held his bleeding arm as he coughed up blood. Kneeling in one knee, he look up and saw the devil himself. Yugi Amane. Kou glared at the figure, wishing he could just kill him on the spot right now.

"Such a pitiful sight." Amane said chuckling after. "This is Minamoto Teru's younger brother? I never knew you were such a weakling kid." He grinned evilly as he pulled out his sword from it's sheath and point it at him.

"Now.... Where is she?" Amane asked darkly, but Kou just laugh.

"Do you think threatening me with a sword can make me tell you where the Princess is? What an idiot you are." Amane grit his teeth, anger lacing through his veins and made his sword higher to hit him with one go.

Kou closed his eyes and waited for the impact to come, but just heard a thud and a gasp.

He opened it and widened it.

Nene was laying on the ground, blood smeared on her clothes and on the ground where she was laying.

Amane just dropped his sword and kneeled down beside her. Crying and vulnerable.

This was Kou's chance to kill him but Amane just did it himself with a crazed smile.

After the life in Amane's eyes faded, Kou went to Nene and luckily she was still breathing, but only a few more breaths.

"No, no, no, Princess.." Kou cried and hug her. Nene was to weak to hug back and just smiled..

"Ouch, it hurts Kou-kun. Don't hug me too tight." Nene chuckled weakly, coughing up blood.

"Princess! Save your breath for me.. Please don't leave me.." Kou sob, tears falling on the Princess's cheeks.

Nene only giggled and caress Kou's cheeks. "Isn't it kinda strange? You were the one who promise to protect me yet I'm the one who protected you."

And then her hand went limp and so is her whole body.


"Kou-kun? Is something wrong?" Kou snap out of his thoughts as he realize that he had stop in his tracks. They were about to go home which Kou insists that he should walk Nene home since it's dangerous.

"Ah, no, nothing's wrong Senpai. I was just thinking about something." Kou laugh and scratch his nape. Nene smiled and grab Kou's hand. In return, he blushed.

"Well, then. Let's go now!" Nene exclaimed happily as she was hopping in joy towards her residence. Kou joined in too, happy that she was happy.

"..I finally found you, Princess."


okay, so while im on yashiro nene guard duty, i literally just didnt respect the ppl's opinions hehe └|゜ε゜|┐

i don't fucking care if u hate me for not respecting their opinions, i just don't like them and keep bullying them just watch me! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


love u

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