This is a guide on how to shift to Minecraft! This will include everything from taking damage, fighting monsters, crafting items, and just having a great time! This is also a great guide for anyone who wants to shift to the Dream SMP, like I'm doing...
Note: In this, I use right and left hands to represent dominant and non-dominant hands. If you're left-handed, you can just switch these.
How To Access Inventory:
To access your inventory, all you have to do is open your left hand palm up and flat. Then there will pop up a hologram of a chest icon. Press it and a wide, flat hologram will pop up in front of you. It will be set up like this:
On the top left corner, there will be a hologram image of you in whatever position you're in. This way, you can check what you look like without needing mirrors, or check for any injuries if you're playing like that. On the top right corner, there will be ten hearts that are filled all the way up with red when you're at full health. Under that there will be your ten hunger slots that are filled all the way up when you're at full health.
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How To Take Something From Inventory:
To take something from your inventory, tap on the item on the hologram and open your other hand. If it's a small item (food, potion, plant, etc.), it will appear in your hand. If it's a larger item, it will appear on the ground in front of you.
How To Put Something In Inventory:
When you're done using an item and you want to put it back into your inventory, all you have to do is touch your left palm using two fingers on your right hand and then touch the item you want to put into your inventory.
How to Exit Inventory:
As soon as you open your inventory, the chest icon on your palm will transform into an X icon. Just click on that X and your inventory will close.