Chapter 4

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 AN: Sorry I haven't updated, Ive been busy with other stories and somehow totally forgot about this one, Oops.

Duske was the first to wake up, his eye's scanned the room to see if anyone else was awake. "Let's get this over and done with" he sighed.

"I'll just get this one for the fridge"

"He seems tough"

"Get his blood before and after"

Varen opened the door and walked upto Duske "Its time" he smiled as he opened the cage door letting the older boy out.

As Duske walked to the door he looked at his friend's who were still asleep one last time "Don't worry about them" Varen gave a small grin as he shut the door behind them.

Agambir smiled as he opened the fridge door "Have fun in there, but before I need to take some blood"

Duske took a deep breath in he held his arm out, he watched the needle go in and the blood coming out.

"Im ready" he said as he slowly walked in and hearing the door slam behind him.

Meanwhile back at the school a few parent's met with Othman "Duske didn't say anything about going on a trip with the team" a women spoke who was Duske's mother.

"Neither did Heath or Lucian, plus Heath has left without his medication" a carer spoke.

Othman smiled "Listen all this kids are in good hands, they've gone away with their coach"

"Im not liking this, a call or email would of been nice" a tall build man who was Bud's father.

Othman smiled "I sent emails out, I honeslty did, If you lot didn't get them then that's not my problem"

Back at the lab Duske walked around the empty fridge "Come on Duske do it for them" he said to himself.

He felt his skin getting colder "Its for them, It's for our freedom"

Duske got down on to the floor and started to do press up "This is will keep me warm and pass the time"

Aadeel stood outside the fridge taking light notes "That's cute he's talking to himself"

Agambir chuckled "Take note of that, that's a sign of madness"

"Is Duske going to be okay" Willow sighed.

"Will he die" questioned Lucian.

"Course not, He's brave like the rest of us" Piers smiled trying to lighen the mood.

Bud sighed "" The rest of the gang looked at Bud.

"Don't start on him" Heath sighed as he rubbed his head. Bud looked at Heath "Never mind, I forgot what I was going to say"

Lucian looked at his feet "It's okay"

2 hours later Duske was let out of the fridge

"Brave soul"

"Better then the other two"

"Just need to take some more blood then you can go back to your cage"

Duske shiverd as he came out "I just need to warm up, that's all"

Raden smiled "Of course, as a reward you can all have soup, nice treat for you kiddo"

Duske huffed as he held his hand out for the blood to be taken, he was soon taken back to his cell " guys"

"You okay" Lucian asked.

Duske gave a small smile "I'll be okay, I got us some warm food" Heath eye's met with Duske "We're all worried about you"

Duske looked at Heath "Thank you that's great to hear"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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