Chapter 8.

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Notes ~
Alexander Hamilton - Ham/Al/alex
Laffatette- Laf
Hercules - Herc / mulligan


' Welcome to my humble abode' I exclaimed as I let in Ange, Liz, Alex and a few other friends ( Lafayette, Maria and Herc).

I don't really know what humble abode means but I said it anyway.

There was a mixture of 'hellos' and 'hiyas' and a 'bonjour' from Laf as they stumbled into my apartment.

'Let the fun begin' I exclaimed and then the party started.

A few minutes later.

The party was in full swing. The music was blaring from the speaker, people were eating pizza, drinking beers, chatting, laughing and just having a great time. Well everyone seemed to until I spotted Ange.

' Why are you sat in the corner all alone Ange?'

'I'm trying to hide?'

'why., what for?'

'FROM ALEX!' she exclaimed just a tad too loud

'shh people are gonna start thinking your crazy' I scoleded


'RIGHT ID SAY ITS TIME FOR A GAME OF TRUTH OR DARE' I had nods from the other guys and they went to sit on the floor.

Angie looked nervously at me and I squeezed her hand.

'it's all gonna be alright' I whispered and we went and joined the circle.

'OK... OK Laf truth or dare...'

I thought I would start off the game with an easy one.


'where is your favorite place in England?'

'oooh... Definitely Blackpool as it had a little eiffel tower in it.. Hehe'

Obviously he chose the town that was loosely linked to France. He Is such a francophile. We continued to play this for a while. I'm only going to tell you the best ones as it would become very boring for you if I listed them all.

Maria chose dare and put 5 mentos into her bottle of coke.

Eliza chose truth and told everyone about her and Alex's date as it was her favorite.

Ange chose truth and sheepishly told everyone that she likes herc the most in the group. I knew she didn't but she couldn't choose Alex obvi.

Herc chose dare and did a cartwheel ( which Maria filmed and posted in every social media platform 🤣)

I chose truth and had to explain to everyone why I loved turtles so much but that's another story.

Finally we got to the question everyone has been waiting for.... Angie asked Alex... 'truth or dare? '....... I felt my heart in my mouth for Ange as he thought about his decision...........................................................................................................'hmmm.... I choose .........................'

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