Chapter 5.

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ugh.... It was 5pm that DAY. YES I HAD SLEPT THE WHOLE DAY. (don't judge). Whoever is at the door why couldn't they text me or something.


'ugh.... I'm coming....'



Honestly do these people not understand English. It's pretty simple shouting I'm coming means that I'm coming to open the door.

I unlocked the door and Ange came running in so fast she nearly knocked me over.

'uhhhh Ange.......
1. Why on earth are you here
2. Why couldn't you just text me
3. Uhhhh Hello would have been nice'

She was currently pacing around the room looking nervous.

'what's up Angie?'

'well I've just dropped Liz off at her date'

' yea..... Where is she? Is she OK? What's happened? Is swear if anyone's hurt her im gonna.....'

' no she's fine'

'what is it then?'

At this point I had ran out of ideas and so was not expecting slightly what came next.

' I think im in love with Alex!'

(Sorry this was a short chapter but I've got to build the suspense) 😂😂😂

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