1. "Peak-a-CHU"

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Pokemon. Some incredible creatures with amazing power. They can be found in all places. Walking in the cities and forests, flying through the sky and even in the bottom of the ocean! Pokemon are part of people's life! And in this story! It will show just that! 

The story will start in the Kanto region:




The sound of a sleeping boy was heard. With a yellow fluff ball next to him, his room was very messy, while the sunshine was entering through his curtains, his dark hair was warm because of the sun...

' . . . . . So peaceful this morning. . . . . I can get a little break. . . . . '

The boy though while he rolled to another position, but he decided to at least rub his eyes and stretch and so he did while giving a long and loud yawn.

". . . Wait... Pikachu? What day is today?" The boy looked at his calendar... HECK! IT WAS THE DAY ALREADY?! "PIKACHU WAKE UP! WE NEED TO GET READY" 

The boy started to undress himself and ran to the bathroom to change clothe, while the yellow electric mouse still slept.

'Pi? Pikaaa!" The Pikachu stretched and went right downstairs waiting for his trainer. It took him a while but at the end he came back all new, except for his hair... He quickly got his bag and his partner started running to the nearest cafe... Which was a long way to go...




Meanwhile in another house there was a girl with long hair getting ready to go out, she was putting her hair in some bands while her Eevee ate a little snack. 

"Okey Eevee! We are going to see Peak! And start our adventure as pokemon trainers finally!!" She beamed, while her Eevee's tail wagged in excitement.

"Eeveee!!" The little brown fox exclaimed while jumping around the room

The girl picked up her partner and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. Now placing him on her shoulder while now grabbing her bag and running out of her house, in the way to meet her friend Peak on a nearby cafe(At least for her was near).



Peak had finally got to the cafe, almost at the same time as his friend Eve, they met again, and entered the cafe, they took an outside table, for them to see the pokemon that passed by. They were getting ready for their adventure!

The smell of fresh pancakes, coffee and Poke Food had filled their noses, as their orders had came to them... The presentation seemed amazing!

Peaks' plate consisted of a sandwich with many toppings! Letteche, eggs, cheese, and more! It came with a delicious juice. Eve had ordered pancakes, three big fluffy pancakes with tons of maple syrup with honey, and a coffee. While the pokemon got their Poke Food with some berries and some water. They could see why was it so crowded.

"WOAH!! THIS ALL LOOKS DELICIOUS" Eve exclaimed while already cutting some of her pancakes, and giving it the biggest bite she could. "It is so good!" She had been going crazy over her food. PEak by the other hand was just biting onto it while looking at her.

"yeah, it is good. But you don't have to go crazy over it" He said a little annoyed at his friend being so loud.

"Awww, come on Peak-a-chu, don't be grumpy all the time!" She giggled while she took a sip of her coffee, even her Eevee laughed at the joke. The blue haired boy blushed at the nickname.

"I told you NOT to call me like that!! J-Just because my name is Peak doesn't mean I am a fan of Pikachu!" He huffed while crossing their arms and looking away, which made Eve and her pokemon laugh even more.

"Pika..." Pikachu looked up at his trainer, Peak sighed. 

"No offence to you Pikachu" He kept looking at Professor's Oak lab, it was a peaceful day... Until he saw two kid running to the lab, a female and a male... "what the..." He mumbled to himself while both kids entered the Lab in a hurry.

Eve noticed it and looked at the lab. Then she looked back at Peak and smiled. "Want to get a second pokemon?" She asked to him, the boy turned to see the chocolated hair braided girl, he nodded and stood up.

"I just want to see what's up with those... Yeah, lets go" He walked away and Pikachu following him behind.

Eve spat out her coffee and hurried up to eat the rest of her food. BEfore following him to the Professor's lab.  




Oh boy...




Peak:                                                                                 Eve:

Age: 15                                                                              Age: 14

Party:                                                                                Party:

Pikachu: (Level 10) (Male)                                      Eevee: (Level 10) (Male)

??                                                                                          ??

??                                                                                          ??

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??                                                                                          ??

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