3. Sleepy Pikachu

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Peak and Eve looked at each other and looking at the last Pokémon, the pokeball had a water drop printed on it.

"So, are you going to have it Peak?" The braided hair girl asked, but the boy shook his head in denial.

"You should get Squirtle, I already have Pikachu... You have an Eevee..." He looked back at the pokeball, then at Pikachu who was sleeping at his feet.

There was a little more silence before PB said "You know? You don't need to have Squirtle? You two already have your starters" The short haired girl said while pointing at Eevee and Pikachu.

Peak looked at the girl a little surprised of her answer, but then he nodded and looked at Oak "You can keep Squirtle, we will catch our own pokemon"

Oak smiled and nodded with Peak "I understand! Then! I wish you luck on your travels, but before you go, I will give you all three some pokedex" The professor walked away, followed by PB and her new partner Gooye. Both Eve and Peak were surprised once again.

"WAIT YOU ARE GIVING US POKEDEX?!" "W-W-WE JUST WANT TO BE TRAINERS THAT IS ALL" Both of them were panicking, they were stunned to hear that they would be getting pokedex too! PB laughed a little and grabbed the three pokedex Oak gave to her.

"You two seem pretty mature for the job! This way you can keep track of the info of some pokemon!" Oak exclaimed, and PB handed over the pokedex to both chocolate and blue haired kids.

Peak looked at the pokedex like he was examining it, while Eve was already using it to register her Eevee. They both seemed happy about their new devices. PB smiled again and put her pokemon and dex away.

"It was nice to meet you but I'll see you later! I have to train Gooye!" Before she took another step Peak grabbed her arm 

"Before you go! Lets have a Pokemon battle! Since you wanted to have one with your friend..." Peak said lowering his voice a little at the end. PB looked back at him and smiled. 

"Sure! Let us have a battle!" She looked at the blue haired boy before adding "Peak right? Nice meet you! I will wait outside for the battle!" She said before skipping outdoors.

The blue haired boy looked down at his Pikachu who had a smug face. He blushed "N-No Pikachu, I will not carry you this time" He said, before the Pikachu started to climb up to his face. The boy hated when he did this, and tried to take off the pokemon off of him. 

Eve started laughing even more and started to walk out with Peak. Outside of the lab, PB was waiting there looking at the sky. She noticed us and looked back. "Okay! Are you ready for our battle?" She asked while having her pokeball in hand. Peak finally managed to grab Pikachu and place his pokemon on the floor.

"Yes I am, alright! Go Pikachu!" He exclaimed but Pikachu just walked over lazily... now he was starting to get worried "... Pikachu? Please do good! This is your first battle!"

PB sent our Gooye! "Okay! Who will it start? Pikachu is faster, so maybe you should go first Peak!" The girl said, they both could hear the 'Go Peak! Gooo!' 'Eeeveeevevevee!' from the blue haired boy's friend.

"I'll start then, P-Pikachu, use-" Before he could say a thing, his Pikachu was already asleep. "PIKACHU WAKE UP" he started shaking the lazy pokemon up...

PB was surprised and got near the Pikachu and patted its head. He immediately leaned over for more affection. Peak and Eve seemed surprised by it, but PB looked at Peak with an almost angry look.

"If you want your pokemon to obey you, you need to make some bonding..." Peak blushed a little, he was embarrassed to know that his partner for life was not obeying his commands. PB picked up Pikachu and pets on petting him, before giving him back to Peak.

"You need to practice more on him, this is not a way to keep a pokemon" Peak grabbed Pikachu and looked at the girl a little sadden. PB just grabbed his shoulder and smiled once again. 

"I will teach you both! If you are trainers! Then let me in with you!" Peak was surprised at the answer of the black haired one, Eve walked in and said "Sure! Welcome to the team PB!" She smiled while Eevee was on her shoulder.

PB kept her smile on her face "It will be amazing to teach you and accompany you both! Let's get going! We need to get some pokemon first!" She walked away to route 1. Eve following behind and Peak at the end. He looked at the sleeping Pikachu and sighed.




"I need to work with you buddy"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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