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Akari set up the Valentine decorations on the front doorstep of the boba shop she worked in. She heard a new worker was going to work with them. So, she wanted to be presentable for February 14 and the new worker.

She turned the "closed" sign to "open". She saw a guy walking towards the shop with a bag over his shoulder. He hurried to the door the push it. "Sorry I'm late," he huffed.

The guy had brownish-black hair, it was slightly parted and messy due to him running; he was tall but, not too tall. "Oh, you're not late at all. I was decorating the place," Akari assured him.
"I'm guessing you're the new worker?"

"Yes, I'm Jeonghan"

"I'm Akari, nice to meet you"

They shook hands and smiled at each other then went back to work.
Akari's shift ended as she walked down the street in hopes of losing her boredom until a notification popped up. She took out her phone to see an unknown number texted her.

hey, it's jeonghan. I got ur number from the manager. I thought id text you ☺️

o hey, thx for txting me I was getting bored anyway lmao

o haha, well gn now😊

gn to you too🙃

Akari smiled at her phone, showing her adorable dimples. Her friend Minju came up to her. "Whatcha doin?" Minju said, peeking at her phone.


"Doesn't seem like nothing to me"

"I'll find out eventually Akari Yamazaki!"

"Don't say my full name"

"Let me see your phone"

Akari pouted, knowing she was defeated.

Minju laughed and walked with her until she was at her house. "See you at school," Akari waved Minju bye.

She went into her house greeting her mom then going inside her room.

She washes up then lays down on her bed. "Goodnight Akari," She sighed. She pulled the blanket over her small body as her eyes slowly fell heavy.


Hi, this is my first fanfic so pls don't be mean >_< also is my writing okay?

𝘣𝘰𝘣𝘢 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 ✿𝘫𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now