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Akari woke up from her deep slumber. She checks the time to see if she missed any classes.
[7:30] She gets up lazily, grabbing her round glasses from her study table.

Akari dragged her feet to the washroom, getting ready to shower.


Akari grabbed her backpack and chocolate milk and left the house.
She fixes her skirt and continues to walk to school.

"Hey Akari," Minju said nudging her.

"Good morning Minju"

"Yah, who was that guy you were texting yesterday"

"I'm not telling you"

"Tell me please. Pretty please?"

Minju pouted at Akari to get what she wants. Sadly, Akari rolled her eyes.
"What is wrong with you? I tell you all my secrets," Minju said while pouting.

"Well I don't"

"I guess I'll have to find out myself"

Minju and Akari walked until they got to school


Akari took her chocolate milk and started to drink it before her class began.
She was thinking about the new worker at the boba shop.

Ms. Choi came in with a nice smile.
"Good Morning class, we have a new student," Ms, Choi said.

"Hello my name is Jeonghan, please take care of me"

Akari looked up to see Jeonghan smiling and bowing in front of the class.
I didn't know he was gonna be the new student and worker, Akari said in her head.

"Take a seat next to Akari, Jeonghan"

Jeonghan sits next to Akari, putting his head to the desk.

"Hey, you can't drink anything in class, right?"

"Well yeah"

"Then why are you drinking that"

Jeonghan pointed at her chocolate milk. She takes puts her chocolate milk away.

"Let me have some at least"

Jeonghan pouted, holding Akari's hand without noticing.

"Fine, just don't put your spit in it"

"I won't"

Jeonghan took the chocolate milk and started drinking it.
Why is he so adorable?, Akari thought, watching Jeonghan drink her beloved chocolate milk.


Akari walked with Minju to the lunch table, talking about Jeonghan.
While on the other hand, Jeonghan is trying to sit at an empty table.
He didn't have an interest in talking to anybody. "Yah, look at your boyfriend getting surrounded by popular girls,"
Minju said.

"For christ sake, Jeonghan is not my boyfriend, he's a new worker at the boba shop"

Minju rolled her eyes, "Same damn thing"

Maybe I should've convinced my mom to stay in Japan, Akari says in her mind.
She watches the girls that hate her for no reason crush on Jeonghan. A tint of jealousy was

What're you thinking Akari, he doesn't even know you, Akari thinks.

Akari bites her lip at the thought of Jeonghan dating one of those girls.
She tries to ignore it and continues to eat her bibimbap.


Jeonghan gets surrounded by girls, this is not what he wanted. He tries to push the crowd of girls to find Akari. Maybe she's used to this, right? He finally finds a room with Akari in it with another girl.

"I owe you"

"You owe me what?"

"A chocolate milk"

"Just give it to me at work"

"Wait- Hear me out, I'm getting swarmed by females, is that normal?"

"Of course that's normal, as long as you're handsome I guess"

"What if you don't like it?"

"You can't choose, whether you like it or don't"


"Well, see you at work, bye!"

To be continued...

I've been so busy with school work ^(=0=)^
Here is your chapter two, mwah mwah luv you guys.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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