| Prologue |

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EMPORIA THOMASINA MILLER HATED ALL ASPECTS OF HER LIFE. But not her family. It was always them four and every now and then her mothers love interest. Although every time her mother happens to get a new boyfriend, they tend to break up. Every. Single. Time. And a breakup equals a new start, in a new state, in a new town. Well this time it was different. Emporia's step father passed away due to a heart attack leading to a car crash. Emporia can be a bit of an asshole sometimes and can be a little cruel when she wants to be, but she tries not to be. I mean after all she's not that cruel. Now while her life may look all posh and polished from an outsider, it's much more complicated than that.

You see, her and her family are always judged. Emporia's mother, Georgia Miller, is a young mom and only had Emporia and Ginny when she was fifteen. Emporia's sister, Virginia "Ginny" Miller, along with Emporia are judged by many because they're bi-racial. And last but certainly not least, Austin Miller, Emporia's younger brother has temperamental issues so many like to call him cruel names, such as "The psychopath".

As she began to grow older, Emporia awaited the day she could finally settle down in a town for a long period of time. She wanted to write her own destiny. Although Emporia and Ginny are twins, they are very different. Though they both always stood out like a sore thumb. All Emporia ever wanted was friends and maybe she'll get some at Welsbury. But she was a normal human being who has a little bit of a soft spot for destroying anyone that stood in her way or took what was hers. Emporia was never really interested in getting into a relationship though she loved to fantasize it. I mean who isn't a hopeless romantic. She swore to always tell her mom or sister every time something interesting happened or a new person was in the picture. But, all of that came to a halt in 2021, in Welsbury, Massachusetts, and a game of chase with a boy names Marcus Baker.

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