Chapter Five: Sexual Need

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Chapter Five: Sexual Need

I toss my bag items onto my couch and I then collapse on the floor. Today was a long fucking day. I physically feel like I have been running non-stop. Six meetings within the span of my eight-hour day. Four of the six meetings I met with were already established businesses that our company helped build. I was only touching base with them. Monthly check-ins help foster a good relationship, it is great for learning how to move forward in negotiations and rewriting contractions when they no longer serve the purpose they were intended for.

The other two meetings were what we like to call introduction meetings. In these meetings as the name suggests, we are introducing ourselves to each other. If a meeting seems beneficial to both parties we talk about a contract deal. From there we begin working with each other in a probationary period of ninety days. Using this time we learn about one another.

The meeting with Davis was a new account that we have just recently pulled. Liam Davis and his business partner, Misty James are well-known figureheads in the BDSM community. We have run into each a few without actually meeting face to face until now. That is why I didn't feel bothered by that bet that we placed. The bet was the funniest thing I did today. Everything that took place after that meeting just drained me to hell.

I kicked off my shoes while I still laid on the floor. My muscles are sore as hell, I'm glad that tomorrow I didn't need to go to work tomorrow. Saturday chilling here I come. Groaning as I sat up, I grabbed the arm of my couch pulling myself up to my feet.

First, order of business before I try to head to bed is I need to change out of this outfit. Business attire no matter how comfy it can be sometimes is not suited for lazy home wear.

Now that I am dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, I step into my kitchen to get something to eat. As tired as I am, I know that going to bed on an empty stomach would get me into a lot of trouble. Sam has made too many threats about having Scott redden my bottom for not eating. I like sitting very much, so I will do anything to avoid this actually happening.

I hear my ring after I put a bowl of mac and cheese in the microwave. I walk back into the living, searching through my purse for my cell phone. By the time I found it, I had missed the call from Sam. Immediately I called him back.

As soon as he answered his phone, he began to ask me questions. Sam had always been this way. He could not rest if he thought that one of his loved ones was hurt, physically or mentally. I remember a time when Scott dislocated his knee. It was a horrible night for Sam, he could not calm himself while doctors tried to help Scott. All they had to do was quickly pop Scott's knee in place but every time they went to touch Scott, Sam would jump in their way and yell that they were hurting him.

This went on for five full minutes before I got annoyed with Sam, I pulled him out into the hall by his ear. I made him sit his ass down so that the doctors could do their job without him in the way. In less than five seconds with him out of the room, the doctors were finally able to pop Scott's knee back in place. Sadly though since it was out of place for so long, Scott's knee was nearly the size of a basketball. It took three weeks for it to fully heal.

Sam is a big worrywart. I love him with all my heart but the man needs to relax something. He is so tightly wound up that he makes himself sick. Numerous times I have told him to take a few steps back, that worrying so much is not healthy for him. It took some time for that to sink in but we now have a system in place to help him.

Anytime that he is feeling anxious, he has to call me. I allow him to do a well-being check on me, only permitting him to ask three questions. We have learned that granting him to ask more than three questions about our well-being only makes his anxiety levels rise more. After he calms down, I have him talk about what triggered his panic. Knowing the trigger, if it is one we have not dealt with in-depth, we can find to keep it from boiling over this much again. The last thing we do is, plan a day to do something that is not work-related. For example, we sometimes go to the movies. We make the day of it. The last time we went to the movies, we saw five different movies and did not head home until midnight.

Doing things like this helps Sam move his mindset out of "war preparation". I call it his "war preparation" mindset because he begins to make back-up plans onto back-up plans. Nothing is left uncheck, beds, windows, you name it and he has found a way to safetify it. He goes overboard trying his best to keep us all safe and unharmed without thinking about the toll it does on him. That is why he and I have worked to find better ways to keep this from getting out of hand.

Our call continues on as I explain my day to him, informing him about the latest developments. I permit him to ask a few work-related questions. He wanted to know the type of contracts I have gotten signed while they were gone on their vacation.

"So far I have gotten three companies to sign a renewal contract with us. Four more years of commission from those companies. I made sure to leave their files on your desk for you to review." I told Sam, while I grabbed my mac and cheese out of the microwave.

"Are you talking about Smartlist, Gaming Sleepless, and Hordes?" He asked

I take a bit of food.

"Those would be the ones I was speaking of."

I hear a loud clap from the background on his end.

"That is fucking fantastic, Jam-jam. Last time I spoke with any of them, they were not very sure if they wanted to continue working with us." The excitement was very clear in his voice.

Laughing, I shake my head. There has yet to be a time where we aren't happy when we seal a contract. Over five years of owning our business and the rush of building an even larger foundation has yet to leave. It is thrilling to win things and to accomplish our goals. I always enjoy the feeling of my blood rushing through my veins as I am taking risks. Never has there ever been a dull moment in the last eight years.

"Thank you very. I know, I'm great at what I do. Don't you ever forget that, Sammy."

We both laugh and for that moment I didn't want it to end. It feels great to bask in the glow of pure, unadulterated joy. In a sense, the allure of enjoying such happiness is difficult to pass up. You always want to run towards it, damn the cost of it. Even if only for the moment, you still want to experience the heat of it.

"Want to meet up tomorrow?" Sam asked.

I take a moment to swallow more of my dinner.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask, cleaning my bowl.

He explains that he would like to go to club Curious. I tell him that it is fine with. We haven't been in awhile, seems like it will be good fun. I wouldn't be one to pass up a good time. Just thinking about the delicious torment I will get to watch, has me panting. Fun pleasure is all the rave.

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