My date??

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My Date was amazing, we had a lovely meal and we walked on the beach for a very long time. We even danced on the song "Angie" ❤❤. But i'm not planning on telling Vilu all of it. Just the main parts.

-Vilu, my date was horrible!'


Vilu looked so confused, I had to try my best not to laugh.

-Yes, German thought it was horrible too. The food was cold (cool) and the beach was to hot (soo hot, hehe).

-Aah, I understand, your playing tricks on me! Your date wasnt horrible! It was amazing!

-Yes! You got it! Yes it was Amazing! And your Dad and I are now together! 

-Really yaayy!!

We hugged. When I hug my niece, I feel what I missed before I met German, and Vilu. There was a Hole in my heart. And now that hole is filled completely!

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