Attack on Ophiuchus! pt. 1

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ophiuchus has added ram_on_cam, food_bull, chat_brat, cute_crab, black_lion, ʙʀᴀɪɴ_ɴᴏ_ᴘᴀɪɴ, nomka_balance, kpop_simp_101, like_an_arrow, asian_lover, not_aquarium, and dream_wave to "after all this time..."

ophiuchus: 500 years ago, you guys ABANDONED me like i was literal trash

ophiuchus: what did i ever do to you guys?

ophiuchus: fools, i should've known. the signs are nothing but twelve hallucinations who tend to BULLY those who cared for them the most. you guys are just treating me like NOTHING...

ophiuchus: and wow, all of you are "offline" pretending my pain is nothing, i see how it is..

ophiuchus has sent best-friend_goal_jpg.

ophiuchus: THIS IMAGE IS A LIE! 

like_an_arrow has went online

like_an_arrow: what is this... ophi?

ophiuchus: not you, brat. you were pretending to be so NAIVE when really, it may have been your dumb plan with the other eleven.

like_an_arrow: you don't understand! we didn't mean to abandon you, we just.. umm-

ophiuchus: decided to fade away? yeah, i know your excuses are endless. ohmygod. soo shocking

like_an_arrow: No, you don't understand. We... we were locked away...

ophiuchus: do i really believe your fibs?

like_an_arrow: NOT A LIE!

kpop_simp_101 has went online

kpop_simp_101: what's going o- ophiuchus? 

ophiuchus: two of the brats now? tell your "friends" to go on. 


kpop_simp_101: Sag, don't. she may come attack us.

ram_on_cam, food_bull, chat_brat, cute_crab, black_lion, ʙʀᴀɪɴ_ɴᴏ_ᴘᴀɪɴ, nomka_balance, asian_lover, not_aquarium, and dream_wave have went online

ram_on_cam: what the heck, sagittarius?!

food_bull: I WAS EATING!

nomka_balance has went offline

ophiuchus: someone bring libs back.

nomka_balance has went online

nomka_balance: I AM NOT LIBS :c

ophiuchus: stay. NOW..

ophiuchus: anyways, what i want to say is YOU TWELVE ABANDONED ME FOR CETUS. WHAT MAKES HIM SO SPECIAL? 

cute_crab: ... o- calm down. we never meant to abandon you, you're just misunderstood 💚

ophiuchus: heard that a lot, idiots.. i don't need your masked lies.

chat_brat: i understand you hate us now but if you could just forgive us in call-

ophiuchus: ugh.. idiots...


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