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Y/N- Your name

Your Ultimate talent is the ultimate figure skater!

H/C- Hair color

and Your gonna have grey eyes cause why not :D

H/L- Hair Length

hope you enjoy :D

Hm school was extremely boring. God Why cant it be over. Id rather be out figure skating. Well, anything but here in school. I didn't realize the teacher was talking until.. "Y/N??? This is an extremely important moment, were talking about a project you'll be completing for a grade, so I guess if you wanna fail, keep daydreaming." The teacher told me. I looked back down and apologized. I've never been the one to focus. I listened to the rest of the directions. ".. Alright class, That should be it, ill be giving you partners for this, YOU MUST WORK TOGETHER! HALF ANF HALF!" He said while pushing up his glasses. Uh oh. I hated partners, I've always rather do things alone, what if i get paired with someone i hate. Those thought consumed my mind until I heard my name. "Y/N and Korekiyo" Wait.. I... Korekiyo? He wasn't someone i hate but instead someone i rather.. like. He's always been very cute and super quiet. The teacher told us we had the rest of the bell to work on it. I've had a crush on him for quite some time now. He probably didn't even know i existed. I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Y/N yes?" Korekiyo said quilted. "I.. Uh.. Yes! Haha That's me" I said giving off an awkward smile. He sat down in the seat next to me. "Shall we begin?" He asked. I nodded with a smile. We began working and as we were working he asked me a few questions. "What do you like to on the weekend Y/N?" He asked me. "Ooo that's an easy one, I love figure skating!" I said answering his question. "Ahh yes, that is your ultimate after all" He said. Huh? How did he know my ultimate? I decided to ask him a question "How did you know my ultimate?" I asked him. He looked away. "Y..You just looked like that would be your ultimate t..talent" He said with a small stutter. I smiled. We continued with the project. "Hm, Your hair looks lovely Y/N" He said. I had H/L H/C hair, and all i did was brush it. but a blush grew on my face. "Uh.. Thanks!" I said happily. "Ok class, times up, Tomorrow you will be completing this and it needs to be finished by then! No late turn ins!" Me and Kiyo started to clean up our stuff and put it away. "Well ill see you tomorrow Y/N" he said while waving and heading to his next class. I waved back and my way to my next class.

KOREKIYOS POV (Point of view)

I started to head to my next class. y/n has always been a liking of mine. She was very pretty and seemed very sweet. I kind of just watched from afar because i was to afraid to talk to her. Being paired with her enjoyable even though she didn't talk much. She probably think im just as much as a creepy weirdo as alot of other people


I walked to the gate to meet a friend of mine. "Hey nagito" I greeted him while giving him a small wave. He waved back. "Hey kiyo! How was your day" He asked. "Well pretty good, I got paired with y/n for a project in class" I told him. " is that the girl you like" He asked. I nodded. "She probably hates me or at least wishes she was partnered with someone else" I said frowning under my mask. He put his hand on my shoulder. "I don't think she thinks that. I actually believe she feels the exact opposite." He said. "No way, She probably didn't know i existed until today" I said. He smiled "I would like to say other wise." I looked at him confused. "how would you know, you are not her" I said trying to be smart. "I have my ways ya know but if you don't believe me then whatever" He said giggling. I turned my head away. We walked to Nagitos house and we parted ways. I walked back to my house. Finally, im home.

YOUR POV (Its the next day)

I heard my alarm go off and i decided to get up. I got dressed and did whatever your suppsoed to do in the morning before school.

TIME SKIP TO AT THE CLASS WHERE KIYO AND HER ARE IN (sorry im to lazy to write until here plus it would be pretty boring so..) \

I sat down and heard the teacher give directions. Once he was done, kiyo came and sat down. "Hello y/n you like pretty today" He said. My face turned a bright pink. "Thank you!" I replied. We got to work on our project. After today I would probably never get to talk to kiyo again, We only even talked cause of this project. I grew upset because I enjoyed Kiyos presence. Since this may be the last time we talk i decided to strike a conversation. "So your the Ultimate Anthropologist, what exactly is that?" I asked him. His head perked up. He went on and on about what he does while working on the project, It was kind of cute. He talked the whole bell because before you know it "Alright class, Turn in your projects" Luckily we finished and we turned it in. Kiyo turned to me "Sorry for all the talking I did, you probably hate me and hearing me talk for that long was probably annoying.." He said looking away. "No! I loved it! and I don't hate you quite the opposite exact.. Uh anyways i was hoping we could meet up after school so you could finish?.." I asked. He looked back at me, I couldn't tell if he was smiling through his mask (He most def was lolol) "Yes! Id be glad too, does the library work?" He asked. I shook my head. "Yes, yes it does" I said smiling.

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