Summer Splash

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{hi hi it's me i'm alive, just been kinda busy, but i'm back!! at least until im busy again and lose my motivation-
Like usual, the stories are written in a narrator way}

It was a warm summer day, Kaeya, Albedo and Klee had decided to take a small trip to Starfell Lake as a way to cool off from the summer heat, coming prepared with swimming attire, the three had some nice refreshing drinks and some food for whenever Klee gets hungry. Full of excitement, the small child runs towards the lake, ignoring Albedos shouts, and jumps into the lake causing a huge splash, Kaeya laughing while Albedo just shakes his head, Looking down on his alchemist lover, an idea pops into the mind of the calvary captain, with one fast swoop, Albedo was quickly in Kaeyas arms. A red hue brushes on the smaller mans cheeks until realizing what was happening and attempting to convince the other man to put him down, but to no avail, he was tossed into the lake causing a loud splash. Outside the lake, was a laughing Kaeya, which soon turned into a worried laugh seeing Albedo stare him down, and quickly being dragged into the water, after going above the water he's greeted with a small wave of water hitting him and looking to see his lover and his little sister splashing each other, deciding to join in on the fun, Kaeya starts splashing the two, and thus an eruption of laughter came out of the three as water went all around. After the whole water playtime, the three got out and started having lunch, Klee yawning started struggling to keep her eyes awake, after cleaning everything up, Kaeya picks Klee up and places her on his back, Albedo smiles and holds onto Kaeyas free hand, intertwining their fingers. "I love you" Kaeya said while looking at the alchemists aqua eyes, feeling the others hand squeeze his, he hears the others response "I love you just as much", they shared a smile and started heading back to Monstadt.

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