10. Love Ya - Harry

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TW: Excessive Drinking

Harry was sure to find Liam and Zayn before he dragged Louis out of the pub and back to his flat.

They both looked at him with their bottom lips sticking out and puppy eyes. Harry knew they felt bad that Louis hadn't figured it out yet, Harry also knew that it wasn't their fault. They couldn't force Louis to do anything.

Dragging Louis home was much easier than Harry had expected, for someone who went on a whole slurred rant about not needing Harry he sure was clinging close to him.

Harry tried to ignore the electricity he felt pulsing through his body, all of it starting in the places Louis was pressed against.

Louis managed to get his flat door unlocked on his own and Harry was grateful he didn't have to reach into his pocket for him.

Harry was careful to help Louis into his room, sitting him down at the end of his bed.

"Lou? I'm just going to help you get your jammies on, is that ok?" Harry asked, he knew Louis needed the help but didn't want to start undressing the poor boy without asking first.

Louis just nodded and stuck his arms straight in the air. Harry pulled his shirt off and over his head tossing it aside.

"Would you like a shirt or just sweats?" Harry spoke in just above a whisper.

"Sweats" Louis grumbled barely keeping his eyes open.

"Ok," Harry said as he made his way to Louis' dresser to retrieve a pair, "do you need help with your jeans, or are you all good?" Harry asked trying not to offend Louis by treating him like a child, but he was REALLY drunk.

"Good I got it." Louis stumbled over his words but managed to shimmy out of his skinny jeans and into the sweats.

Harry laid him back and tucked him into bed, pushing his hair off his forehead. When he thought Louis was asleep, he ventured to the kitchen, got a pot in case Louis felt sick, some painkillers, and a glass of water.

When Harry was satisfied with the setup he created for Louis he got up to leave. Harry was just pushing himself up from the bed when he felt a little hand wrap around his wrist.

"Stay? Please?" He heard Louis whisper, his eyes still closed.

"Of course." Harry smiled, climbing under the duvet with Louis.

"Will he be jealous?" Louis spit.

Harry realized this was the third time Louis had referred to "him."

And Harry had no idea who the fuck "he" was.

"Lou?" Harry whispered softly while gently playing with Louis' hair.

"Mhmmm" Louis mumbled back.

"Who is 'him'? You keep mentioning 'him' and I have no idea what you're talking about." Harry whispered, carefully untangling a knot in Louis' hair.

"You're soulmate. You met him and that's why you've been so weird lately, he doesn't want you spending so much time with me." Louis replied as if it was as obvious as the nose on his face.

"I'm sorry I've been weird, I didn't realize. But don't worry, that's not it at all." Harry sort of lied? He wasn't sure. Had he met his soulmate? Yes. Was it what Louis thought? No. So it wasn't a lie, but it also wasn't a truth? Harry settled on it being a grey area.

"Oh." Louis finally spoke. "Ok. Can you just talk to me? I like hearing your voice." Louis smiled curling into Harry's chest, and Harry thought this was it. His heart was going to explode and Louis was going to wake up confused as to why he was covered in chunks of Harry's heart.

Harry felt like the end of The Grinch when Jim Carrey is dramatically clutching his chest because he can feel his heart growing. Harry could feel his heart growing.

"Of course Lou." Harry smiled, burying his face into Louis' hair.

"Hmm what to talk about." Harry wondered aloud. Harry knew Louis was fairly drunk and most likely wouldn't remember this conversation so he took advantage of it.

"Do you remember the first thing I said to you? When you crashed into me outside the dining hall?" Harry asked, hoping Louis would say yes and he could take it from there.

But instead, Louis just shook his head "No, what was it?" He asked with all the sweetness and sincerity possible.

Harry smiled and tried to mask his disappointment. "It's not important right now. I'll tell you another time. Try to get some sleep, yeah? I'm going to do the same."

Louis pulled back from Harry quickly, looking up at him with his big blue eyes and Harry thought he was going to break. He was about to crack and tell Louis everything when Louis ever so gently, leaned up and kissed the tip of Harry's nose.

"Love ya Harold. You're the best mate I could ever ask for ya know that?" Louis asked nuzzling back into Harry's chest. "You always make me feel safe," Louis mumbled before letting out a loud sigh.

Harry was relieved that at least one of them was breathing because Harry's lungs decided to stop.

Finally, when Harry could feel his face turning blue his lungs kicked back on, strictly out of desperation, and he took a deep breath.

Louis kissed Harry's nose. Louis told Harry he loved him. It was the way a friend says it when you loan them your car but he still said it. Louis felt love for Harry.

Harry knew there was a massive difference between loving someone and being in love with someone, so he tried to smother his excitement, but Louis loved Harry.

Harry held Louis close as his breaths became deeper and evened out and he took note of everything around him. He would give anything to have the moment last forever, but just as moments work, it was over as quickly as it happened.

Harry decided there, after Louis admitted to platonic love, that Louis was never going to admit it; and Harry was...surprisingly ok with it. He would rather have Louis like this, platonic love, than not at all. With one final squeeze to Louis, he drifted to sleep, focusing all his attention on how his nose still felt like it was on fire from Louis' lip.

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