The Hawks

11 3 0

"Oh my god they look so cool!" I tried to not act weird but I asked my coach "what is number 8ths strength "

"Oh Lyla? She is the strongest on that team our number 8 is too but boy oh boy- sorry am I making you nervous?"

"Yes!" Then number 8 came to me and said "hey you need practice cause you obviously do by the looks of your team hahahah!"   I said "oh yea well what's that?" I pointed at her teammate in the net

My whole team laughed and I laughed with them

We ran over and started playing after a few seconds they pulled out a trick where number 8 ran to one side and 6 did run to the other side and they're number 10 was in the middle my team went to different sides i went in the middle number 10 set it in the middle I called it! And I passed it to number 8 she did it fast while passing to number 2 and then we got a point!

------after match-------

"We won!" said our team

"I knew we could do it!" I said

We are unstoppable!

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