Rematch (final)

4 1 0

Narrator: "they started they were so fast not even the coach could see what was happening but then it made sense all they were doing was just passing the ball, it didnt hit the ground once.
They were somehow saying something to eachother?

"Ha you sure talk alot for someone who is this bad at playing!"  Said number 8 (Enemy)

"Oh please your hardly Catching up!" Said number 20

"okay then whoever gets the first point wins!" *serves the ball hits number 20's face*

Narrator: "suddenly it was all over in a second... Number.      8.      Won..."

"AAAA.."  *passes out*

Number 8 smiles.. (enemy)

"NUMBER 20! I told you I told you she will hurt you your so stupid your so.. *screams* FIGHT ME NUMBER 8 NOW!!!"

"oh another loser wants to fight me!? Guess you wanna get beat up to like your little friend Haha!"

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