☯︎︎ Ring ☯︎︎

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I stopped looking for Theo when it was time for classes and we just got done with Potions next class after the break is Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall

I went into the library to read like I normally do and I saw Theo sitting in my normal chair and he looked like he was waiting for me and I ran over to him and hugged him "Where have you been?" I asked but he didn't answer he was too busy looking at how I looked today with my hair makeup and nails done plus my outfit

"I've been out for a while and you look gorgeous," he said and then he kissed my cheek
"Thank you," I said blushing a little but it was unnoticeable because of my makeup

He pulled a little box out of his pocket and opened it with a ring inside of it "This ring is a symbol of my love for you and my plans to marry you." he said while taking the ring out of the box and placing it on my finger

once it was fully on my finger He kissed my hand and I hugged him tighter than I ever have and I looked at the ring while hugging still "I love it and I love you so so much" I said and he rubbed my back a little while hugging and I pulled away fro...

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once it was fully on my finger He kissed my hand and I hugged him tighter than I ever have and I looked at the ring while hugging still "I love it and I love you so so much" I said and he rubbed my back a little while hugging and I pulled away from the hug and twirled around I was so happy

"You wanna marry me huh?" I asked playfully and he nodded "Of course I want to marry you" he replied

"Well, you gotta catch me first!" I said and started running taking turns and going through each aisle of the bookshelves with him running behind me and us both laughing

after a moment of running, he stopped out of breath so I stopped and went back to him "You're slow" I said to him and he laughed still trying to catch his breath "no you're just fast" he said and I laughed nodding my head "True I'm very fast"


I was going to the girl's bathroom even if moaning myrtle was there and honestly, I didn't think she was that bad so I went in there to wash my hands from eating too many chocolate frogs

I took my ring off and set it on the side while I washed my hands after I washed my hands off I dried them and I left the bathroom going back to see Theo and Lucas who were getting along quite well and it was really nice for them to not hate each other

"Hey baby," I said as I grabbed Theo's hand and intertwined our fingers then he looked at me "Hey uhm," he said as he lifted our hands up looking at my hand "where's your ring?" he asked and I let go of his hand and started running back to the bathroom but when I got there it was gone

I looked at Myrtle "Who else just came in here?" I questioned her and she whined coming down from her window "I didn't notice her face I was too busy crying but she had blonde hair" she said and I rushed out of the bathroom

I ran past Theo, Lucas, and Liz but Liz yelled at me to come back, and then she started to chase after me and once we were far enough away I stopped and so did she "Some blondie took my ring!" I yelled and she looked at my confused

"I'm sorry come on we can find it we need Hermione's time turner"

"How will we get that?"

"I'm friends with her"

"Oh okay thank you, Liz"

"anytime" then she left to get Hermione

a few minutes later she and Hermione came back and I saw the time turner around Hermione's neck and without saying anything she grabbed one of my hands and with her other hand she flipped the time turner then stopped it

"Don't let anyone see you okay?" she said quietly and I nodded as we slowly walked over to the bathroom and I peeked inside the room and I saw myself taking the ring off and once the other me came out of the bathroom running to Theo me and Hermione snuck inside hiding in a stall but I stood up on one of the seats

making myself taller so I could see who did it and then I saw her. Daphne.

I grabbed Hermione's hand as a way to tell her let's go back and she flipped the time turner so we came back to present time "Daphne" I said and I ran towards the Slytherin common room looking for her

when I got there I ran inside and I saw her sitting on the couch twirling a ring around her finger. my ring.

I went over to her and held my hand out for it and she looked at me confused "What do you want you pregnant whore?" she said rudely and I slapped her across the face

"Don't talk to me like that and give me my ring back" I demanded and she smirked and held her hand in the air so I could see the ring "You mean this ring? It's mine Theo gave it to me as a present for his love for me! isn't it so gorgeous?" she said and pointed my wand at her and I didn't want to honestly but I couldn't help myself

"Give me my promise ring from Mattheo." I demanded and she had a flash of being scared in her eyes but she hid it "You won't hurt me" she said and I dug it further into her neck drawing a little blood and she slowly took the ring off her finger and threw it across the room

I removed my wand from her throat and I slapped her one more time this time leaving a red mark on her face "Go fuck yourself you're just pissed off because I'm the one having his kid and not you" I said while walking away to the ring and I picked it up sliding it back onto my finger

she whimpered but didn't say another word to
me and I went back out of the common room and when I saw Hermione I thanked her and she said she's always willing to help me

I avoided Theo because I didn't wanna tell him about me hitting Daphne

at our next class which is charms I saw him and he sat by me "I hit daphne" I told him and he looked at me curiously

"Why?" he asked calmly not caring that I hit her and I sighed "Because she stole my promise ring," I said and he hugged me "Well I'm happy you hit her," he said and I was surprised and I hugged back smiling

"She called me a Pregnant whore and that's part of the reason I hit her too," I said quietly and he pulled away from the hug and he looked so pissed off "I'm gonna kill her," he said and I shook my head no

"Theo please don't I don't want you in Azkaban when the baby is born," I said and held his hand and he started to calm down

"Fine but don't ever talk to her again," he said and I nodded my head and kissed his cheek

"I love you, darling," he said

"I love you too Baby" I replied


—1265 words🤍

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