Chapter 1 ~~~Family~~~

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Unknown POV

Fire that's all I could feel it was slowly spreading to the end of my fingers and to the end of my toes, I could hear people talking in the background "When is she going to wake up?" I heard a girl say in a beautiful voice, I sat up quickly hissing at the people in the room "W..Who are you?" I huddled myself in the corner of the room scared that they would hurt me the blonde man stood up slightly "My name is Carlisle" he said standing up properly "This is my fami-" I cut him off instantly "You aren't going to hurt me? are you?" I asked whimpering "No we could never do that" a blonde women said with a hopeful look in her eyes "What is your name?" Carlisle asked, I looked at him for a minute "I..I don't know.." I looked around me looking for any signs of danger, "Would you like to meet my family?" Carlisle asked "F..Family" I said cowering away knowing there is more people here "Don't worry we won't cause any harm to you" he said with a smile "Okay" I said standing up straight but also keeping alert "One quick question, does you throat burn at all" he asked while walking down the stairs, I shook my head while quietly following him "Interesting" he mumbled while walking into a room with 6 beautiful people sitting on couches "This is my lovely wife/mate Esme" Carlisle said smiling down at his wife "It is so nice to meet you" Esme said bringing me into a hug (A/N I'm not going to describe what they look like you should already know, if you don't then I suggest you watch the movies before reading this book) "It is also nice to meet you as well Esme" I smiled gently while hugging her back "This is my daughters Rosalie and Alice" he said gesturing to the two girls "It's nice to meet you" I said smiling at them "Its nice to meet you as well" they both said smiling "And these are my three sons Edward, Emmett and Jasper" he said smiling proudly at his family "It's nice to meet you boys" I smiled again "Its nice to meet you as well" they all said one at a time "Rosalie and Emmett are mates along with Alice and Jasper" Esme smiled from beside Carlisle "What's a mate?" I asked confused "A mate is like your other half, it's impossible for them to stay away from each other" Edward answered "All vampires have one" Alice added in "Where is your mate then?" I asked Edward, he frowned "I haven't found my mate yet" he said sadly "Oh gosh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset" I rushed out gosh I'm so stupid, he frowned once again "You are not stupid, you just simply didn't know" he said did he just read my mind or something? He chuckled " Some vampires have powers, I can read minds, Alice can see the future and Jasper can feel and change your emotions" Edward said great..."I can already see that we are going to be great friends" Alice squealed "Rosalie, Emmett would you like to ask her your question?" Esme asked them, they both stood up and walked up to me, Rosalie had a hopeful look in her eyes as did Emmett "Vampires can't have children, I have always wanted a child to raise with Rosalie" Emmett started "We were wondering if we could adopt you?" Rosalie added with a hopeful smile "Yes" I said hugging them both "My very own daughter" Emmett said quietly "Yes daddy your very own daughter" I said smiling "We should name you sweetheart" Esme said causing me to snap my head in her direction "Yes we should" Carlisle said "Delilah McCarty Cullen" Rosalie said smiling "What a perfect name for my little princess" Emmett said picking me up "Dad!" I squealed "Put me down" I said laughing "Your no fun" he said dropping me but he caught me just before I hit the ground "Emmett!" Rosalie shouted "It was meant to drop and catch her" he said standing me up straight and dusting my clothes "Good" she said sitting down but before she could sit on the couch she landed straight into Emmett's lap causing me to giggle slightly.

1 week later

Delilah POV

Alice and Mother were going through Fashion magazines, Jasper and Father were playing the Xbox (with me on my fathers lap), Esme and Carlisle were playing chess, Edward was hunting and I was quietly reading my favourite book Harry Potter And The Order Of Phoenix, when all of a sudden Alice gasped and dropped her magazine causing everyone to snap their heads in her direction, Jasper flashed next to her, about 3 minutes after she squealed "Edward's mate is coming!" she was jumping up and down squealing, Edward come into the front door in a human pace "Edward!" Alice shouted "What did I do now?.." he asked a bit scared "Nothing you silly but your mate is coming tomorrow!" she squealed, Edward broke into a massive grin "Really?!" he shouted "But there is a tiny little problem" she added in, there always had to be a but or a problem "She is human" she said looking at the floor "What!" Edward shouted at her causing Jasper to growl at him "I'm sorry" she said running to Jasper and into his arms "Delilah can I talk to you?" Alice asked, I nodded ad stood up putting my book on the coffee table while following her into Jasper's study which is sound proof "Edward and you will become distant when he meets his mate Bella" she said sadly, that broke my heart, Edward and I were very close, closer then I was with Jasper and Alice, I flashed out of the room and out into the woods "Alice what happen?" Mother and Father both asked wanting to run after me but that was the last thing I heard, I kept running

5 hours later

I finally came home after my little run around "Delilah!" Mother screamed pulling me into a bone crashing hug "Don't ever do that again" she said stroking my cheek "Delilah" Edward said softly "I promise I won't let that happen" he said pulling me into a hug stroking my hair softly "Princess!" Father boomed running out the door "Daddy!" I screamed running into his arms "Please don't do that, I was swear your mother was close to ripping her hair out" he murmured I gasped "Not the hair" I said giggling "Yes the hair" Mother said growling lowly, causing me to giggle again "It's almost time for school get ready"

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