Chapter 2 ~~~Here Comes The Human Mate~~~

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Picture of Delilah who is being played but Selena Gomez, also that's her outfit for school in this Chapter

Delilah POV

I mentally groaned, great my worst nightmare School! Yes I went to school when I was human at least I think I did? I'm not sure. I showered and saw my outfit laid out on my bed (A/N I'm not good at describing outfits) I got dressed and ran downstairs with my bag "Alright so Delilah you are Emmett's real sister not adoptive, Rosalie and Jasper are twins and Alice and Edward are real brother and sister, Ladies hand over the wedding rings or switch fingers" Carlisle said heading to his car going to work "Have a good first day sweetheart" Esme said giving me a quick hug "Come on" Mother called I followed her and hopped into my fathers Jeep with Alice and Jasper while Edward went in his Volvo "Ready for your first day?" Jasper asked from beside me, I was stuck in the middle yay!, I roll my eyes "there's no point in going to school" I groaned out, he chuckled along with father while mother and Alice giggled "Welcome to hell children" Father said getting out of the car I laughed softly and hopped out of the car hearing gasps and whispers as soon as I got out of the jeep "Ignore them" Edward whispered to me "Trying to" I commented leaning on the Jeep, a run down orange Chevy car pulled up a couple of parks away from us "Here comes the human mate" Mom commented looking at her up and down "Rose be nice" Dad said pinching her butt "Gross" I said leaning my head on my fathers arm "remember Delilah your a junior along with your father, Alice and Edward and you can't call your father and I, mother and father" mother said hugging me slightly "Alright mot-Rose" I covered up my mistake and the bell rang "lets get your butt into the office" Dad said walking through the hallways with my beside him "Who's that?" "Arghh seriously another Cullen" "Ohh I would like to get into her pants" Dad growled lowly at the last comment making me lower my head even more, we walked into the office "Hello what can I do you for?" the office lady said not looking away from her computer "I'm Delilah Cullen" I said politely "Oh yes your the new Cullen" she said smiling softly "All of you are always so nice" she said grabbing what I needed "Get each other your teachers to sign this slip and hand it in at the end of the day" she said handing me everything "Thank you" I nodded politely, Dad and I walked out walking to our class

History-Mrs Green
English-Mr Morris
Art-Mr Hall
Biology-Mr Banner
Math-Mrs Robbins
Free Period

I had Dad in all my classes, Alice in History, Art and Math and Edward in Art and Biology

I smiled slightly while walking through the now empty halls "No one sits next to me in any of my classes so you should be seated next to me" Dad said knocking on our History class door, Mrs Green opened the door "Why are you late Emmett" she said narrowing her eyes at me "I was taking my sister to the office" he said putting his arm around my shoulder "Aren't you older then her?" a student asked when we walked in "I moved up a grade" I said, the teacher signed my slip and sat me next to Dad "Alright Class.." I tuned out what she said until all of a sudden the class looked at me "WWII" I said not looking up, she looked shocked for a minute until she glared slightly and continued on with the lesson, I was walking out of my English class with a smug look on my face "Wow Del, I've never seen anyone stick up for themselves to Mr Morris" Dad said with a grin on his face "He called me stupid he had it coming" I answered back walking into my Art class handing the teacher my slip and watched him slowly sign and he pointed me to sit with Alice, Edward and Dad, Eventually the teacher fell asleep and everyone did whatever they wanted to do, I sat and drew a picture of Esme and Carlisle playing chess "Wow Del" Edward commented looking at my picture "You should give that to Esme" Alice added with a smile on her face I shrugged my shoulders and mumbled an "Okay", listening to two girls who are talking about Edward and Dad "I'm going to ask out Emmett at lunch" the blondish brownish haired girl said I think her name is Lauren? "Are you sure Lauren I think the blonde bimbo would react pretty bad" Jessica said I growled lowly burning holes into the side of her head, how date she said that about my mother! "Del calm down" Alice said rubbing my back "She insulted my mother!" I growled lowly "Look at that new girl" Lauren said pointing to me "Looks like someone's on their period" Jessica said a bit to loud "Shut it bitch!" I said "Or what?" she sneered at me, I stood up causing Edward and Dad to grab my arms "Oh look Edward and Emmett need to hold the little baby" Lauren said making baby noises, once they saw that the boys were struggling to hold me back they backed off. The bell rang and I grabbed my stuff, Jessica had her books and papers in her arms, I bumped into her causing her to fall an her stuff to fall everyone "Whoops" I said and turned on my heels following Edward who was shaking his head "God Del your such a troublemaker" Dad said placing his arms around my shoulders, I smiled slightly at his comment and sat down at the table Jasper and Mom were sitting at "Your daughter his one troublemaker" Alice said to Mom giggling slightly "What happen?" she asked Edward showed her through his mind "She called me what?!" Mom snarled lowly "That's why I snapped" I said rolling my eyes while playing with my red apple "Who are they?" I heard someone say, my eyes snapped to a brown haired girl that Edward was staring at, that must be his mate "Their the Cullens" Jessica said looking at us "The blonde girl is Rosalie she acts all stuck up and probably stares at herself in the mirror" Jessica said "Then there's her twin brother Jasper, the boy who looks like he is in pain" I looked at Jasper and he sure did look like he was in pain "He looks like he would eat of all us in a minute" Jessica said "The girl next to Jasper is Alice, she looks like a little pixie, she likes shopping a lot, she is probably a Daddy's little girl always wanting money" she said "Then there's her brother Edward, the boy with goldish brown hair, don't waste your time with him, apparently no ones good enough for him" she said a little hurt, haha she must have been rejected "The big muscle guy is Emmett, everyone thinks he only cares about girls and working out, like seriously you have to be on steroids to be that muscly" she said with wide eyes "Then there is his sister Delilah, gosh she is so up herself it's not funny" I scoff but still listen closely "she 'accidentally' bumped into me in Art for no reason" she finished glaring at me, I turned and looked at her and glared back "Emmett and Rosalie are dating and so are Alice and Jasper, that's a little weird like they all live together" Lauren said joining their conversation "They are adoptive so that's fine" Edwards mate said "Bella don't even waste your time they shut out everyone so don't be surprised if they ignore you" Jessica said eating her salad, I rolled my eyes "Is she the queen of gossip or something?" I asked watching Edward looking at Bella "Yep, be prepared she will try and give you a bad reputation" Jasper said playing with a strand on Alice's hair "Wow" I scoffed, we sat in silence listening to Jessica talk about us to her group of friends, the bell finally rang and Dad, Edward and I walked to Biology keeping to ourselves "Delilah Cullen" Mr Banner said when I handed him my slip watching him sign my it "Mr Banner" I said with a polite smile "You shall sit next to Emmett and Edward" he said "Thank you Sir" I said polity while sitting between them, I saw that Bella walked into handing her slip to the teacher, I looked for an empty sit and saw that it was next to Edward "Have fun Eddie" I said patting Edwards shoulder "Shut up Deli" he teased bumping my arm with his "You shall sit next to Edward Cullen" Mr Banner told Bella, she bite her lip while sitting down next to Edward, I giggled lowly while leaning towards Dad "This should be fun" I drew little roses and skulls on my book while watching Bella from the corner of my eye seeing her look at me draw "Staring is rude ya know" I snapped at her causing her to flinch "Delilah be nice" Dad grinned I rolled my eyes "I'm Edward Cullen it's nice to meet you Isabella" Edward said holding his breath, what's going on there? "Call me Bella I hate being called Isabella" she said smiling slightly, the bell rang and I grabbed my stuff and walked with Dad to Math meeting Alice on the way "How can you stand her?" I sneered "Cause I can see that her and I are going to be great friends" she bubbled while walking into class with a graceful smile I walked into class and the teacher signed my note and sat me between Dad and Alice, Bella walked in about 5 minutes later us, she got sat next to Mike Newton ha!

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