SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam Illegally Exiled

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Specifically, the lawfare involved:

Delegitimizing SPH by hate propaganda, disenfranchising Him of His civil and human rights, prejudicing Him from fair representation and fair trial

Repeated illegal imprisonment, with brazen torture, custodial assassination attempts, supported by system justification in various forms, including the common processes of bureaucracy, indifference, self-deception, diffused responsibility, and has resulted in continued systemic complicity with torture, murder and genocide

Well-planned multi-layer false hate propaganda by the 'fourth estate' media sustained by moral disengagement, leaving the broader public in a state of wilful ignorance, motivated denial, out-group victim blaming, dehumanization and bystander apathy to even genocide.

A born citizen of India, SPH was specifically denied the right to citizenship and made illegally Stateless aimed to prevent SPH from travelling, and isolate SPH from His devotees to ensure His extermination in person and principle.

Illegally Exiled into Statelessness by Denial of Natural CitizenshipWhere stories live. Discover now